Shattered Kingdoms

Enchanting Dissemination
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Author:  jerinx [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Enchanting Dissemination

One of many proposed game changes that require very little code adjustment, however would make a large impact on spreading love and enjoyment around.

Spread "enchant armor" and "enchant weapon" to necromancers, shaman, warlocks, paladins, and hellions.

This would provide more options to people instead of delegating priests and sorcerors to indentured servant status. It would provide infinitely less tedious enchanting endeavors to the players, not really overpower anything since we have ready access to enchant armor/weapons would just be a little perk and relief.

I imagine this can't be very hard to update in the code, and could be done quickly and painlessly.

A more code-heavy thought (merely brainstorming) for the future:

Enchant to spiritual protection. An enchantment like MR, except it allows shaman spells through - both beneficial and detrimental spells (heal, blindness, deafness, call lightning, flamestrike, if cast by a shaman). If not an enchant, make it a trainable stat for shaman and barbarian...or just barbarian only. Let spirit aura be targetable, and let its potency scale based on the stat/enchant level of the target.

PS No wert option for you. There's a view results button below the votes.

Author:  Neconct [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Except not necromancers

Author:  Turon [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I voted no, but only because it would be so game-breakingly imbalanced. A necro that can self-enchant his own MR kit? Obscene. A shaman that can enchant his own dragonscale? Yeeesh.

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to stop having to bug the crap out of other people to enchant my things. I just think it would break the game.

Enchanting just needs to be targetable for the enchants you want.

Author:  jerinx [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Turon, I'm not sure I'm seeing the line of imbalance.

Randomized, but people can do it on their own time: imbalanced.

Targetted and the enchanter is able to create the kit to his exact specification, with only a chance of explosion as opposed to completely random enchants: balanced.

It's cool to harass some random other person into destroying stacks of gear for hours on end, but when you want to destroy your own stacks of gear to get what you want it crosses a line? I don't mean that to be snarky, I'm trying to be sincere: I feel it'd be better if the caster classes, most of them, were able to do their own enchantments. It still leaves all your explorers and melee having to find someone, which is I think the only real reasonable line to have. This is nothing more than courtesy for the playerbase. The only way I would consider giving enchant armor to more classes broken is if enchant armor itself was broken. Everyone already has access to it, and there's no inhibition stopping people from's just a matter of convenience and courtesy.

Keep the randomness, and let people handle things on their own. As long as enchanting is not imbalanced, giving people enchant armor isn't, in my opinion.

The necro with an MR kit is as "broken" whether he makes it himself or forces some other player to do it for him.

Author:  evena [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

jerinx wrote:

The necro with an MR kit is as "broken" whether he makes it himself or forces some other player to do it for him.


Author:  WiccanDiva [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enchanting Dissemination

jerinx wrote:
This would provide more options to people instead of delegating priests and sorcerors to indentured servant status.

Priests and sorcerers can always say no if they do not want to enchant. They can charge if it suits their RP or alignment. Just because they have the ability to enchant does not mean they have to.

I play a priest, I enjoy enchanting. Last night, I spent over five hours enchanting for people. I may on rare occasion complain about it, but the complaints are more along the lines of people telling me what enchantments they want.

Make it so enchanters can choose the type of enchantment, not necessarily and exact choice, but give each type of enchant a family type name (saves would cover reflex/willpower/fortitude, magic would cover resistance/protection). Then have it be c 'enchant armor' saves/magic, then there is a little targeting and a little random still. You wouldn't know which you got out of the enchant until identified. Or make each type of possible enchantment able to be chosen but have it have a larger chance for explosion/fading/doing nothing when using a target.

Author:  jerinx [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't make the argument entirely that the whipped status of an enchanter is the sole reason for this. I personally enjoyed enchanting, and liked the satisfaction of the min maxing...I just think there's not really a reason that most casters, especially knights of a god can't imbue their blessing (the same argument priests make for having theirs, like elementalists can imbue elements, shaman imbue spirits, necromancer imbue black magic, etc).

It may even be cool to set it up so only certain classes could imbue certain enchants. Only hellions/paladins could enchant weapons, shamans would be willpower, priests/necromancers fortitude, sorcs magic resist/protection, warlocks reflex. Not sure how viable that is, I'm just brainstorming, maybe someone can get a cool idea from it.

Author:  Turon [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

With the way that enchanting is, a necro has to actually interact with others if he wants to have an MR kit: Taking that MR away from him via jloot is the closest you can get to a victory, because you have noticeably weakened him since now he has to find another helpful sorcerer/priest. Giving enchant to so many classes would encourage isolation and make the classes that got enchant much more powerful: Enchanting your own things is a heck of a lot better than getting someone else to do it, because you can do it alone. Getting a friendly enchanter with the time on their hands to sit around at repop joints to enchant your things for you is almost impossible to do, and understandably so: Because it's boring as all get out.

It would make the game a lot less frustrating in the enchant department, I'd like it for that reason. However, I think the strength it offers to those classes by giving them enchant would even more heavily favor people who spend way too much time playing, to the point where PvP would be really frustrating for people who weren't playing a class that can enchant their own things.

Author:  Doyenne [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Now that I am not playing a sorc. I demand enchanting be made easier.

Author:  Chem [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I for one can't get on board with this idea. Kind of takes away from the uniqueness of a class when you spread their spells to multiply others.

I however can get on board with other casters getting more utility spells that modify armor/weapons.

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