jerinx wrote:
This would provide more options to people instead of delegating priests and sorcerors to indentured servant status.
Priests and sorcerers can always say no if they do not want to enchant. They can charge if it suits their RP or alignment. Just because they have the ability to enchant does not mean they have to.
I play a priest, I enjoy enchanting. Last night, I spent over five hours enchanting for people. I may on rare occasion complain about it, but the complaints are more along the lines of people telling me what enchantments they want.
Make it so enchanters can choose the type of enchantment, not necessarily and exact choice, but give each type of enchant a family type name (saves would cover reflex/willpower/fortitude, magic would cover resistance/protection). Then have it be c 'enchant armor' saves/magic, then there is a little targeting and a little random still. You wouldn't know which you got out of the enchant until identified. Or make each type of possible enchantment able to be chosen but have it have a larger chance for explosion/fading/doing nothing when using a target.