Shattered Kingdoms

Jail Time....Again
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Author:  Demon [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Jail Time....Again

Seriously I bet jail time forces more people to quit this game than anything else. I absolutely REFUSE to sit here for 3 hours of my life while my character rots in jail for "6 IC days", in fact I would much rather take my chances with botting through jail than to sit through that. I love this game but there are some things about it that are just intolerable. In some places it's absolutely impossible to get items without being reported for assaulting a NPC. It's unfair, cruel, and unusual and please take this advice REMOVE JAIL TIME FOR ASSAULT ON NPCs BECAUSE THIS IS A GAME, NOT REAL LIFE.

I do not know if it's just me but I cannot sit down for long sessions of SK, my life just will not allow it. So to ask someone like me to serve a 6 day(3 hour) jail sentence is out of the question. Do you realize it takes me maybe an entire week of play time to get 6 hours of game play? Knowing that I will be in jail so long when I log in really makes me want to just delete, that is how much I absolutely hate it. PLEASE PLEASE I AM BEGGING SOMEONE REVIEW THIS RIDICULOUS JAIL SYSTEM.

I hope someone with a soul will read this and something will click because this jail stuff has gone on long enough and it IS running off players. Something I don't think SK needs at this point in its life.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Even with the change that jail passes by while logged off at 1/10 the rate...

(Approximately 3 hours logged off=1 day? God forbid you get a 50-100+ day sentence.)

Jail still needs a major overhaul.

Author:  Baldric [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime lololol.

But seriously, jail time should be removed, or at the very least cap at like 20 days. It's pretty stupid. I will remind you that if you log off and come back in a day, you will have served your sentence, though. That was a good code change. While offline, you serve your sentence at 1/10 the speed you would while online.

Author:  Demon [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I didn't know it passes while offline, that's a relief but I still adamantly hate jail time. I always have and I always will I just think it's so damn wrong to put a player in "time out" punish him some other way for gods sake.

Author:  Kin [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I think the time you serve offline should be increased to half (1/2) the normal time. That way it's still slower, but not painfully slow. It gives you time to log off, go do some chores for a couple hours or play the 360boxmajig thingy or whatever else floats your fancy then come back. I understand that jailtime is there for a breather from hectic PK, or so it's my opinion that is, I dunno, but I agree it is too much.

Author:  Trexor [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Baldric wrote:
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime lololol.

But seriously, jail time should be removed, or at the very least cap at like 20 days. It's pretty stupid. I will remind you that if you log off and come back in a day, you will have served your sentence, though. That was a good code change. While offline, you serve your sentence at 1/10 the speed you would while online.

The only real problem with jail time is the characters that rack up a ton of crimes will always [REDACTED] and moan when they are caught and their time is several RL days long. I would agree that yes that does suck, but why not surrender every once and a while so that if you are caught unexpectedly you are not spending several hours looking at a screen (or recently turning off the computer and coming back the next day). Why do the coders have to suffer because your fragile ego is now in a box.

Unless you can tell me that you would not mind a non tribunal member killing your character, stealing the good stuff and junking the rest in front of a judge; then guess what, there has to be a jail system.

If jail time was removed there would eventually be only a small group of players wearing cloths. The game would be unplayable.

If you are getting a heavy jail time for killing NPCs, get a friend that can summon.

There a many ways to avoid jail time
1) Get a pardon
2) Do not commit a crime
3) Do not commit a crime in front of witnesses that you cannot kill.
4) Have friends that can bust you out of jail.

*** friendly is not what I put up silly word filter

Author:  B00ts [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe there should be a way to break out of jail that was really really hard.

Author:  Baldric [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Trexor wrote:
The only real problem with jail time is the characters that rack up a ton of crimes will always friendly and moan when they are caught and their time is several RL days long.

No, that's not the real problem.

Trexor wrote:
I would agree that yes that does suck, but why not surrender every once and a while


Trexor wrote:
Why do the coders have to suffer because your fragile ego is now in a box.

This makes no sense.

Trexor wrote:
Unless you can tell me that you would not mind a non tribunal member killing your character, stealing the good stuff and junking the rest in front of a judge;

I would not mind a non tribunal member killing my character, stealing the good stuff and junking the rest in front of the judge.

Trexor wrote:
then guess what, there has to be a jail system.

Even if I did mind, this wouldn't make any sense.

Trexor wrote:
If jail time was removed there would eventually be only a small group of players wearing cloths. The game would be unplayable.

What are you talking about?

Author:  Demon [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Look at it this way. There is something in the game (jail) that is forcing people to want to break the rules and as a result they are being deleted. This to me is STUPID. It is inherently wrong so instead of deleting tons of people for trying to bare with this cruel and unusual punishment why not make a change in the game? It's a win win for everyone, people will not have a reason to cheat, and the IMMs won't have to police people to see if they are botting in jail.

Author:  Meissa (2009) [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

WickedWitch wrote:
Jail still needs a major overhaul.

I can assure you, whining about jail will not get anything changed. Instead, a constructive argument as to how and why it should be changed can be made. Without that, nothing will change. And even with a solid argument, you're not guaranteed to get anything changed. Why? Because other arguments can be made for the jail system. First, it creates a realism in a fantasy world. Secondly, lawless lands lead to anarchy, which ruins the RP of at least one faith and will have farther reaching ramifications with the rest of the game. Third, it removes the subtle challenges present within SK, as well as the subtle differences between darkies and lighties. Fourth, it's not an end-all for a character. I have not confirmed it, but jailbreaks should be possible in every major city. Fifth, you can serve jail time offline to remove some of the monotony... Shall I go on?

Making an argument that "Because I am in jail I want to break the rules" won't fly. I want my mercenary to be able to gate to all over the place, should I roll a priest and multiplay? Should I roll a sorc too so I can buff the mercenary? Before too long, I'll have the SK equivalent of this guy and his characters with all the botting imaginable.

PS: I am not picking on you in particular, WickedWitch. You just most succinctly stated the general theme of this thread.

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