Okay this one is a long one, so bear with me guys. Basically as we all know alignments are static. In my opinion, that kind of sucks since you have this constant struggle of light versus dark, but neither side can really win unless hte other deletes. You can have fallen Paladins, but the alignment system doesn't go well with it. Y ou can't have redeemed villains because, again, the alignment system doesn't go with it. So I propose the following Idea. The Dynamic Alignment system.
Basically the way it works would be like this. Honestly, it'd require a fairly large code change, and possibly some tweaks to some spells. First off, the alignment would be changed via a chain of quests given from an NPC. However, the quests would only be accessible after so many ic years have passed on your character. (Let's say 20 or so. That gives plenty of time for the character to establish a reputation or so.) Basically, this would allow pretty much anyone to change their alignment to whatever they desire. For example, an anarchist rogue enjoying killing people so much, they could turn diabolic. Or perhaps scrupulous if they wish to protect people.
Each quest would be a bit different and reflect the views of each of the Alignment. Diabolic would incorporating slaying innocents. Women, children, no one would be without exception. Then at the end of the quest, there'd be a boss fight or so, perhaps an angel of some lightie god or something. Something significant that icly, word could spread.
Principled on the other hand, would be all about protecting people with the least amount of casualties. Go in to a jail, stun people and rescue a victim. Anarchist and unprincipled would be all about greed. Going about stealing things and such while miscreant and aberrant would be all about beating people down and getting them to respect you. (these are just general ideas.)
Now, this system wouldn't be without limits. For one, make it only doable twice in a characters lifetime. The second attempt, they'd have to wait 5-10 ic years to do the 2nd alignment change quest after the first. (That way they would have to at least give the new alignment a shot.)
Secondly, there would be restrictions. Necromancers can of course remain diabolic. Perhaps allow them to become miscreate, -maybe- to have a necro who just wants power but isn't all about killing everything and can resist the insanity. (just throwing out options here.)
Thirdly, Hellions and Paladins would be a bit of a special case. The same rules would apply as normal. However, Paladins can only switch to aberrant and Hellions to principled. After completing the quest, they would of course be smote by their god and disowned / blemished. Then they would have to seek out a new god to reflect their alignments. (Hellions of honor? Paladins of Tyranny / war anyone?) Furthermore this would open up some interesting combos as far as cabals and such go. Paladins in the MC supporting the Empire, hellions of light. Etc. Their spells would also work slightly differently. Hellions are fine as their spells naturally hit everything, but a fallen Paladin's holy word would hit light auras, and change BoG so it too could hit lighties were they dark. I imagine Sargas would want to corrupt a Paladin if he could get the chance. And of course gods would have enough power that it's really their power that the Paladin channels, so it'd just be like a dark god BoG instead.
Basically that's the idea. I know there'd be a bit of coding involved and Ithink it'd bring a breath of fresh air to the MUD instead of the same old light versus dark over and over again. I mean at the end of the day, no matter -what- your concept is, after a while everything's been done. This would give things that haven't been done a shot. Ideas? Suggestions? You guys tell me what you think.