I'd like it to be a religion, but with no blemish/atone powers at all. All shamans under level 10 are F1, 11-30 are F2, 31+ are leaders (yes this means the religion will have about 10 leaders at times).
All shamans are automatically a part of the shamanism religion, anyone else who wanted to join just needs to find any mentor+ shaman to be admitted.
The idea is to have people actually dedicated to ancestor and spirit worship, and to end up with various clusters of worshippers gathered around a speaker who preaches on their own specific rp basis (hence no blemishing because their IS NO one true way of shamanism).
Benefits: A symbol (possibly turning a spirit doll into a symbol) or turning some of the existing totem items into symbol slot items.
Massively decreased (or removed) exp loss for being raised by a shaman for those in the faith.
Ability to fully use spirit aura vials (which should work full power for shamanists, half power for pantheists, and no effect for those in another religion as now)
As per the help file, barbarians should be encouraged to join the religion, but not forced. However any barbarian who did not join should be treated as some form of betrayer of their past.