Shattered Kingdoms

New Area: Suggest a theme!
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Author:  Mira [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  New Area: Suggest a theme!

After some poking around, I found a fair amount of unused vnums that I'd like to use for a new area. There is going to be a link to an existing place, but the new area's theme will either introduce a brand new civilization to the SK world or explain the origins of an existing one.

My initial idea: illitihds

This is your turn to tell me what themes/races you, the players, would like to see. I may or may not use your ideas, but I will certainly consider all the input you are willing to offer. Try not to troll or hijack this.


Author:  Kin [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:33 am ]
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For clarification, a Lamia is a type of demon who commonly is depicted as having the torso of a human woman and the body of a serpent below the waist. Not to be confused with Naga which are predominately snake daemons with only the face of a human attached to the body of a giant serpent.

Or Sirens. Or succubi. Either of the 3 work fine for me :P

Author:  Rodwen [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:41 am ]
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Did I hear gobins? I did I did.


Author:  juggernaut [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:51 am ]
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I would also go with some brand new race like dragonkin. Sentient half-dragon breed. The fascinating thing about them is that their land needs not be on solid land nor the deep ;) See floating isles.

Author:  Dexity [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:47 am ]
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Yes, dragonkin! Or the original halfling land, that was destroyed, somehow brought anew! haha I duno, new things are awesome!

Author:  grep [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:49 am ]
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Unfortified entrances to Sith'a'niel.

Or an area that explains why there are demons everywhere.

Or the place that the astral watchers come from.

Either way, I'd like to see an area fill in some of the plot holes before making new plots.

Author:  Preluding_Decadence [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:00 am ]
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+1 to a Dragonkin type race. Would be amazing to see more sentient type creatures. Also a prelude to a new race.

I want to smack opossums with my tail!

Author:  SK_Phantom [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:04 am ]
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I would like to see some more effort put into the animal-hybrid races found North-West of Exile.

Author:  grep [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:08 am ]
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It looks like your areas are Ayamao and the Deep Realms.

Just in case you weren't aware: illithids are not Open Game Licensed material, you'd have to dodge a bit of a bullet on that one. They're a rights-reserved D&D trademark. I think Beholders are in the same boat, too.

Why not stay simple and make a subterranean version of the Valley of Ashes featuring, I don't know, dwarves and gnomes, elves and deep-elves, or even fire and earth elementals, for Champion level characters. I for one dislike how many of the champion leveling areas involve planar excursions.

Or something revolving around sprite necromancers.

Author:  JeanValjean [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:10 am ]
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Kobolds or something of the like, living in a frozen lake, mining for treasures on the bodies of a long lost migrating people that got frozen solid in the ice. The kobolds could also worship a gigantic ice worm of some sort, living toward the bottom of the lake. I'd also like to build this.

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