Shattered Kingdoms

effects of charisma on familiarity of areas
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Author:  jreid_1985 [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  effects of charisma on familiarity of areas

I was recently playing a character with high cha. Now in comparison to a previous char with only 15 charisma, the char with 24 char did learn faster a bit but the familiarization comes so quickly when you have high cha. I feel at first I learn a decent amount but then because of learning the area so quickly with high cha it actually slows me down.

Ofcourse everyone knows that a person with better cha with recieve the xp bonus. In my personal opinion I think the a character with HIGH CHA should recieve a bonus which allows you to familiarize yourself slower and therefore recieving better cha.

I feel as if I could definitely level faster with a race that has average or below average cha because of this famil w/areas situation. Getting quick xp at 1st and then getting penalized due to fast famil seems to counteract the whole point of getting xp bonuses.

Could someone correct me if I am wrong or if I am simply misunderstanding something?

Author:  grep [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I have suspected that the bonus XP still counts towards familiarity totals, so that in essence you basically just wind up faster with no difference in your ending points.

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