Shattered Kingdoms

Outlaw List
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Author:  Laechlyn [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Outlaw List

I think the "outlaw list" command should include adjectives because sometimes the actual adjective isn't in the description posted. If not for everyone, do it for the people in that certain towns tribunal. To me it just seems if we can see their description then we should know their adjective. It would help the many tribunal members in law enforcement making sure people aren't wrongfully killed.

This seems like it would be easily to implement in too...if that helps make my case any.

Author:  Sepka [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

It would help the many tribunal members in law enforcement making sure people aren't wrongfully killed.

How so? If you have the time to hunt down and pk outlaws, you have time to LOOK at them and recognize their description as the outlaw or some sorry passerby.

Besides, if tribunals and cabals didn't have, "What does (s)he look like?" to talk about, the channels would die.

Author:  grep [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Descriptions can be changed on-the-fly; I know I for one would change it via alias just before raiding a city if I knew tribunal members were online.

Many tribunal guards give warnings to their CB channel based on adjectives, yet the wanted ads bypass the greet system. It would be nice if the guards could follow your logic, look at them, and let tribunal members know the name of their assailant.

That could even be done without any recompiling necessary, I'm sure. The guards could say something along the lines of an auto-reminder enabled short description for known criminals.

Just imagine:

"I am attempting to apprehend Sepka (a logical male poster) in Gameplay!"

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