Magnus wrote:
Are they even present in this game anymore? I was wanting some information
Yes and no. If you go to the help files, in game at least, "help Hero" gives you a basic idea as well as a list of ancient heroes to look up. "help hero-list" gives you the "current" list. I put current in quotes because with the possible exceptions of tyna and Krog all of the heros on that list are dead or deleted.
As to reforming the Hero council, that has been up for discussion recently in a forum poll here. ... hp?t=20491
There is a lot of useless discussion in there, along with some good discussion. But ultimately without an Imm who has a lot of time on their hands and some pretty dedicated players to keep this going as well as a direction, it has fallen to the wayside.
Some of the players who had characters as heroes still play/post and perhaps they could help answer some of your more specific questions. Hope this helps some though.