Shattered Kingdoms

Idea for CRS
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Author:  Orac [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Idea for CRS

I'll make this short and sweet. Since player numbers are so low these days making it hard to find a cabal that could take a relic and because the crucible of the shadows is enourmously overpowered with the skill/spell set as it is currently I propose giving tribunals the ability to store relics on their judges.

Simply put instead of having tribs sit around doing nothing because all the undermanned cabals won't put a relic on their guardian because they will loose their own in a day or two when the relicless cabal comes for their relic back leaving tribs vulnerable to the extereme overpowered nature of the crucible, I suggest allowing tribs to man up, snag a relic and leave it on their judge.

Not as safe as inside of a cabal hq but it's better then nothing.

Author:  Orac [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:11 am ]
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I voted yes.

Author:  the_me [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:23 am ]
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I voted yes as well, but the judges would need a serious buff. I mean, even I am able to take down a judge + guard solo with a certain cabal's spells, and I'm sure it's no less difficult with other cabal spells.

Although, if the tribunal doors were locked again and tribunals given guardians (or maybe just one lesser one equal to an outer guardian because of all the guards at tribunal members command) placed inside said towers, that might work nicely.

And since the tribunals have no special powers, they would only be good for holding relics as I see it, which is fair enough really. Could be fun.

Author:  Orac [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:29 am ]
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As soon as the judge is attacked he should call the warparty out. That is plenty of defence. It shouldn't be impossible to reclaim a relic.

Author:  the_me [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:36 am ]
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Orac wrote:
As soon as the judge is attacked he should call the warparty out. That is plenty of defence. It shouldn't be impossible to reclaim a relic.

True enough, I suppose.

Author:  Edoras [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:59 pm ]
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Not unless you're going to put a relic on the judge that disables leadership for tribunal members when the judge loses it.

Author:  Orac [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:22 pm ]
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Why would tribunals loose their one skill? When cabals loose their relics they are reduced to one skill. They don't loose everything. Why should tribs be reduced to nothing for loosing a relic and cabals still get a skill?

Author:  Edoras [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:36 pm ]
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Keeping one skill sounds all well and good until you think about what that one skill is: The only cabal that isn't completely screwed from losing their relic is the Hammer, and they're greatly weakened. If tribunals want to be able to participate in the "benefits" of CRS, (keeping a cabals' relic) they'll need to have a relic that can be taken from them and get rid of their most useful aspects. They'll still have law immunity and bounty NPCs, just no leadership.

Really though, proposing something like this is a waste of time, it will never happen. Polymorph still hasn't been fixed, adding in another segment of code to deal with a portion of the game that the playerbase as a whole hates isn't going to happen.

Author:  Orac [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:40 pm ]
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Tribuals already participate in a "raid" system. They are relentlessly attacked by Cabals and their accounts drained and guards killed. Your philosophy of "If they want to participate they should have to loose something" doesn't hold water because they already loose their bounty NPCs.

It doesn't make any sense that they'd loose leadership. That's their only skill, why should they go skill less? You've mentioned law immunity that's not a skill.

You talk about benifits from CRS. The only one with benifits are the cabals who can do anything to tribs with no fear of any consequence. It would be even if tribs could take a relic and reduce the cabals ability to destroy their kingdoms economies and slaughter their people intead of one sided like it is now where as soon as you log off all the money is drained from the account and their go the bounty NPCs.

What do cabals loose? Nothing.

Author:  the_me [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

If tribunals were to have a relic and it were stolen, I suppose the lack of leadership would encourage them to get the relic back, maybe add a state of depression while it is missing too, and maybe some kind of financial bonus for holding onto an enemy relic for long enough, or buffed bounty NPCs while holding a relic? Maybe buffed bounty NPCs would be too much.

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