Shattered Kingdoms

Bard suggestion.
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Author:  Kowg [ Sat May 21, 2011 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Bard suggestion.

I remember as a bard that there were a lot of lyrics to go with each song that cost Xp to learn. If my memory is correct the higher leveler lyric cost a lot of Xp. I don't remember them actually having a purpose.

What if the amount of lyrics you knew affected the power of the song?

Author:  Trexor [ Sat May 21, 2011 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bard suggestion.

Bards songs get powerful when there is more then one. Leave it at that, frankly bards are powerful enough as it is. With a healer friend they are the fastest leveler in the game. I think I saw a bard GM in 15 hours. Mind you that was before the area level restrictions I believe so now it would take 24 probably.

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