Shattered Kingdoms

Another day, another command... Ahhh gameplay.
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Author:  Cyrus [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Another day, another command... Ahhh gameplay.

So, I have another suggestion. Just fundamental things that may make life better. What about a "reserve" command. Say you are casting and want enough mana for the WOR out of there, or as a warrior you have bashed your way stupid and can't retreat when needed. Its handy, its dandy, its the Reserve command. It allows you to set a reserve on your mana or pe! It works much like the wimpy command. Wimpy 30 and you run away at 30hp, Reserve Mana 20, and you aren't allowed to cast below 20 mana, likewise for Reserve PE 20. This will help you learn to slow down and take it easy before you get gobbled up and can't get away. Alright, eat me alive critics!

Author:  Edoras [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another day, another command... Ahhh gameplay.

Sounds really neat. But, it won't happen anytime soon, if ever, especially since you'd not only have to code the reserve portion, but also allow for people to specify their reserve spells: At which point I thought of someone being like

[HP:2%] [ME: 20%] [PE:60%]
> c word
You can't cast below your reserve!

A grep greps at your stomach, everything goes black!
You have been KILLED!
[HP:0%] [ME: 20%] [PE:60%]
> say Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu

And I laughed.

Author:  Cyrus [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another day, another command... Ahhh gameplay.

I thought about this, first I think you should c 'word' before 2% IMO, but if you aliased it it could work.

> alias 1 rem reserve
Alias added.

[HP:100%] [ME: 38%] [PE:65%]

A grep attacks you, you suffer severly...

[HP:2%] [ME: 20%] [PE:60%]
> 1

[HP:2%] [ME: 20%] [PE:60%]

Your mana reserve has been lifted.

<insert mana reserve trigger here> c 'word'

A grep doesn't grep at your stomach, everything is good!
You have not been stfunoobkilled!
[HP:2%] [ME: 20%] [PE:60%]
> say Yayyyyyyyyyy!

Its the concept I like, but yeah, coding is a wonderful fun thing.

Author:  Anjin [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another day, another command... Ahhh gameplay.

So, it's designing a tool for people who are too forgetful to remember not to waste all their mana like noobs, but who won't be too forgetful to super professionally remove this tool with aliases and crap, before getting grepped to death by a grep?

I'm going to have to go with Edoras.

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