Shattered Kingdoms

A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.
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Author:  Anjin [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

So, as we have all noticed, Dulrik has been a bit more attentive to the forums lately- patching up holes old and new, even moving us to a new server. Yay.

However, some threads with worthwhile gameplay ideas may have been lost in one of those pockets in history (let us never speak of them again) when Dulrik was not so actively coding.

Making new threads with old topics is a waste of finger strength. Therefore, now that our beloved coder is back, I invite the community to commit mass threadcromancy on issues that have once gone under the bridge. I shall begin.


Thank you, Dulrik, and sorry for trying to add more agony to your do list. Your ability to commit to something and stay with it for fifteen years is commendable among humans.

Author:  LionHeart [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

Anjin wrote:
Are you really so bored that you just stare at the gameplay page, pressing F5?)

So that is what you've been doing instead of logging Sakamoto on!

Author:  Anjin [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

No, I've been playing Starcraft 2 and reading novels with my shrinking portion of free time. I find that those scratch my itch for strategy and character depth much faster and more consistently than this game, at least lately and for now.

(If the reader is confused- Lionheart is quoting a comical aside from a block of text that was specifically used as a placeholder, to be edited out when I found the link I wanted to post.)

Author:  Sakhul [ Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

This thread is a nifty idea, however the one you linked to is just a complete waste of time. We want D to devote his limited, precious time to actually implement something that is worthwhile and sorely needed, yet your idea falls in neither of those categories (no offense).

IMO, the biggest priority is beefing up swashes (without introducing eye-patches).

Author:  mundufisen [ Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

Yeah, i'm with Snuffles on this one. That link you posted was pretty useless and the ideas were bad. Pick something better.

Author:  Anjin [ Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

It's an open thread, Nancy. You pick something better.

Author:  alvarro [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A gameplay thread about gameplay threads.

Anyone remember any of the old threads about cabals who are allied with a tribunal get diplomatic immunity? I'd really like to see this. A suggesstion to how it could work would be that those of the cabal who commit things that are considered crimes would have their crime recorded but not arrested. So if the alliance is broken and a war or truce is declared those crimes now would count against them, if they had not been pardoned before hand. That would mean that the tribunal and cabal would still have to communicate continuously about what is acceptable and what is not, to gain those pardons and not risk breaking a truce.

...Or if someone could think of a way to make more pk's go down in Teron again.

Cheers <3

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