Hi everyone,
Has the Elf race been left in the dark?
Stats comparison between the two races:
Both Elf and Deep-elf have the same potential maximum strength score Elf is +1 point more dextrous than Deep-elf Elf is +1 point more healthy than Deep-elf Elf is significantly more charismatic by +4 than Deep-elf Elf is greatly less wise by -2 than Deep-elf Elf is significantly less intelligent by -3 than Deep-elf
Taking the above further into applications:
Elf being more dextrous provides minimal benefits at best as both races in PvP scene use Haste to greatly increase dexterity score Elf being slightly more healthy provides minimal benefits at best as neither races can overcome iron weakness easily and both succumb to this weakness as melee fighters Elf being less wise is not a significant downside as enchantments cover saves, and having a smaller mana pool is not really noticeable Elf being more charismatic is helpful with leveling speed, affects other melee combat skills such as leadership, horsemanship and order lag, and non-combat skills such as haggle, but an Elf doesn't excel as melee fighter due to their iron vulnerability, and order lag for scores after 20+ are already within 1 round of combat (short enough) Elf being being significantly less intelligent than Deep-elf is a glaring issue, the difference between 22 to 23 intelligence is huge, a Human Sorcerer with 23 intelligence is vastly greater in utility and expertise when it comes to holding multiple spells and still being able to function, as opposed to various 22 int races such as Sprite, Gnome, Half-elf, and Elf
Historically most competent Sorcerers for Light aura have been Human:
Now even more so, as that gap got even wider due to changes in the requirement for concentration required for trinket usage Previously, Sprite, Gnomish, Half-elven and Elven Sorcerers could cover their 22 intelligence weakness by employing staves/scrolls/wands Currently, besides being magical damage resistant and less likely to fall to Voodoo, Elf is a worse Sorcerer than Human, and certainly much, much worse than Deep-elf
Suggestions to bring these into balance: (As usual, not ALL of them, please take none (use your own), take one, or a few of these)
Please provide Elf with +1 intelligence score, take point(s) from other areas if deemed necessary, this grants a secondary choice for Light auras when it comes to choosing several classes Please provide Elf with at least +1 wisdom score, and +1 in charisma score, this matches Elf with the theme of the other Shattered Kingdoms races such as Sprite, Giant, Dwarf, Gnome, and recently Deep-elf that have the potential to achieve the pinnacle in one stat Reduce/recalibrate miscellaneous concentration requirements such as charm person, gate, petrification, sanctuary, heal, resurrection, etc., while more races would become viable, this may potentially cause even more issues - not an ideal solution Increase the functionality of charisma to more benefits; for example, a character with higher charisma may receive more healing from a spell cast by others, and/or a character with higher charisma may have his or her pets to be more resilient or fight harder, this covers store bought, charmed, tribunal
Thematically, it is hard to think that Elf is just that much less intelligent/wise than a Deep-elf in a fantasy game, and now that Deep-elf is made to be the extreme power house of casters, please don't leave Elf in the dark!
Thank you for your consideration.