I have played my share of griffons. I like griffons because they are built for me. I have absolutely no knowledge of eq or how to get it, and griffons don't use any, anyway. That said, griffon innate toughness, while much better than before they had it, is still the suck. From a realism standpoint, it makes sense, since their wing bones would necessarily be hollow and feathers and fur are no match for steel. But from a game balance standpoint, it severely weakens griffons. (Their stat spread isn't super conducive to being a strong spell-caster, and much more conducive to melee in my opinion.)
While I like the general aim of Forsooth's post, I suggest a different tack. Dulrik recently (to my perspective) added a magic-flight melee negative modifier. I would suggest a griffon flight melee positive modifier or two, because griffons are meant to melee from the air. They are, essentially, the B-17s and B-24s of the game. But I suggest they should be the P-38s and F-4Us of the game.
My suggestion is: While on the ground, griffons are unmodified from present. While in the air, griffons have a large agility modifier (that stacks with everything) to avoid many more blows and bash attempts (If you're on the ground, how do you bash someone who is flying at head level or higher?). While in the air, griffons can "fly over" front row foes to attack back row foes, regardless of weapon used, but at greater risk of being hit and at greater harm value, since the griffon would be exposing his/her soft underbelly to the enemy. (Perfect time for a modifier on mid-targetting for this effect.)