Shattered Kingdoms

Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR
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Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

The helpfiles suggest barbarians distrust magic but trust shamans. As such, a barbarian would be much less likely to try to resist spells cast by shamans. Since training MR has been nearly universally declared a suicidal decision, due to not being able to accept beneficial spells (such as heal), this change would allow barbarians with heavily trained MR to get heals during battle, if a shaman is there doing it. As a trade-off, the shaman's harmful spells would also bypass the trained MR.

The change would create:
An additional benefit for players who choose shaman.
A benefit for barbarians who choose to train MR, with a slight trade-off harm.

The change would partially eliminate the self-suicide involved in actually training MR.

And it would be in keeping with the barbarians' distrust in magic but respect for shamans (and the dead).

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

I have a hilarious, but awesome suggestion. If you don't want your barbarian to resist spells, then don't train MR!!

Okay, seriously, I think shaman is one of the best classes in the game, and I wouldn't want an enemy shaman bypassing my MR trains if I were silly enough to train MR.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Well, ardith, there was an option for you in the poll, but so far, you haven't chosen to avail yourself of that option.

That being said, your own comment suggests it's "silly" to train MR. This idea would make it less "silly" to train MR. So, there would be an overall benefit. MR would be more likely to be trained. Barbarians would be more likely to seek out and befriend shamans. And shamans would be more likely to ignore trained MR.

Since MR is basically ignored by the vets, this change would not actually buff shamans. It would be more status quo for shamans, but status quo would be better than the deterrent for other spell-casters.

You were cute and all, with your cutesy argument. But you unintentionally made my point. As it stands now, it's "silly" to train MR.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

It is silly for a melee class to have magical resistance. Any melee class that cannot be healed effectively either through spellcasting, or potions has no viability. At least if you're going to play the tank. It is completely possible for you to train magical resistance and make a 2nd row fighter that just dishes out damage, and has the benefits of his magical resistance trains, but lacking the use of spells like haste will make him subpar.

There are other applications where magical resistance does make sense though, and your suggestion to make shamans able to ignore MR overpowers the shaman class.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

My "suggestion to make shamans ignore MR" is a completely inaccurate reading of my suggestion. I suggested shamans ignore TRAINED MR, which is a TRAIN that was implemented but has been deemed suicidal by the player-base. The shaman bypass would not involve equipment MR but only TRAINED MR.

Since it is currently suicidal to train MR, my suggestion would only make trained MR a bit more viable. There would still be plenty of reason not to train MR, such as your suggestions of potions and the like, but there would become a reason TO train MR.

Again, my suggestion would not affect equipment-modified MR, but only that MR which was TRAINED. And the suggestion that Shamans would be OP because of it would only affect those limited few who actually TRAINED MR, meaning shamans would have an advantage against those that nobody else has. If my suggestion is not implemented, every spell-caster will continue to have that advantage as MR will continue to be a suicide pact and vets will continue to not train it.

Status quo for shamans, less effectiveness for spell-casters in rare cases, more durability for barbarians in rare cases, and rare cases where training MR is actually useful instead of the suicide pact it currently is.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Let me try to clarify my idea and the point, to avoid further confusion.

You cast a spell.
IF you're a shaman
--> IF your target is a barbarian
----> IF your target has TRAINED MR
----> Ignore TRAINED MR
-->status quo
status quo

Author:  Mcbeth [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Pushing40 you're such a turd sometimes. Shamans ignoring MR, trained or otherwise, would be overpowered and stupid. It's not a good idea. That's what he just said.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Mcbeth, you're such a turd sometimes. Training MR is currently described by vets as a suicide pact. I have made a suggestion to make it slightly less so. If you have a suggestion that will make training MR less of a suicide pact and more of a benefit, offer it.

Author:  Baldric [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Pushing40, I'm not sure you understand. Training MR is not a good idea. You shouldn't do that. Hopefully this helps with your confusion.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea: Shaman spells bypass trained MR

Baldric wrote:
Pushing40, I'm not sure you understand. Training MR is not a good idea. You shouldn't do that. Hopefully this helps with your confusion.

On the contrary, Baldric, I fully understand that. And you would see that I understand that if you actually read what I wrote. I said that it is called a suicide pact by vets. I said my idea would make it slightly less so. My idea might make training MR even acceptable in some limited circumstances.

As it stands now, you shouldn't train MR. With my suggested change, you might want to if you can set yourself up with a friendly shaman or two. But my suggested change will not increase the destructive power of the shaman in any measurable way as, at best, the shaman will remain status quo (since veterans refuse to train MR currently, so the TRAINED MR bypass afforded to shamans is currently irrelevant).

Instead of arguing a point not made, try arguing the point made. That should hopefully clear up your confusion, Baldric. That is, of course, if you are at all interested in using proper logic and rhetoric instead of using fallacious argumentation.

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