Something really does need to be done about MR trains, since if the new Z/CMUD deal actually does bring in new people, putting a bunch of time and effort into an MR barb only to finally realize all the effort was for nothing is a good way to make sure those people never stay to make a second char. Even if this means just putting a disclaimer in the helpfiles that this is unwise, or not allowing newbs to build MR barbs, or even just barbs period, just like necros aren't allowed for newbs, although I think actually reworking it would be a much better idea.
Although I never thought of it in those terms, Baldric's post about the look of a barbarian is pretty spot on. They don't run around in full plate mail. If its cold outside, they wear furs and leather skins. If not, they run around in loincloths and warpaint. So maybe that's what's missing.
Skill: Warpaint The trained barbarian becomes all the more ferocious and intimidating. He can place warpaint on himself anywhere he is not wearing a piece of armor, but if he then decides to wear something over it, the armor will interfere with the paint, thus decreasing its usefullness. I would see this kind of like the disguise skill, where the barb could paint himself before battle to give himself boosts, and the worse he was, the more quickly it would come off and need to be reapplied. A berserked barb would also find it much harder to paint than he would otherwise.
Skill: Pigment Preparation The true power behind a barbarians warpaint comes from the spirit power imbued into the paint by their holy shamans. Shamans can prepare special pigments for the barbarian, which when used, would provided the warpainted barbarian with even greater ferocity than one who simply warpainted himself without the aid of the spirits. I could see this working in a few different ways, but one might be to make this somewhat like enchant armor for shamans, though it would only be for barbs, and they would still have to apply the paint themselves. Even better, would be to tie in Scouts into this group as the other wild class, and allow shamans to prepare pigments using the herbs that scouts collect. With herbally produced pigments, MR barbs could place buffs on themselves, and maybe, just maybe, become a viable build.
Last edited by zryych on Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:11 am, edited 2 times in total.