That was my post Muktar is referring to. I am notorious for thinking of random little systems that I think would be cool for the game to have.
Here was what I suggested, with new changes:
- Set all major cities to no-transport. This means: no gates, teleports, summons and rifts anywhere in the city. Recall is still an option; to make it mostly fair, WoR would have to get nuked out of existence and raw recall timers should get lengthened severely when involved in PvP as opposed to PvE (8 ticks from 2).
- Find the major choke points of every city and populate them with small groups of guard NPCs to serve as speed bumps. The center square of any city always has a sizable group.
- Create a low number of "patrolling" NPCs that can walk around places. These guards report attackers, but they don't if they get massacred too quickly to say anything, and won't yell if they die within 1-2 combat rounds; a well-placed backstab silences them, or an invisible petrification, etc.
- Attacking a city raises an alarm, always, over tribunal channel and in yells. You know when a city is under attack. Flyby ganks are no longer an option; laying siege to a city will take effort and numbers. Anyone that fights the guards raises an alarm, always.
- Destroying the warding crystal removes the no-transport property of the area, allowing for rifts, gates and all sorts of things to become available.
- The warding crystal sucks at defending itself, but is surrounded by guards. It has no real attacks of its own except maybe lightning breath.
- Outlaws are
never protected by the law in any way, for any reason. To create diplomatic immunity for diplomats, tribunals can use 'tribunal immunity X', which allows someone diplomatic immunity so they can come to your city to talk things over; this should encourage RP. Abusing this for ganks and [REDACTED] gets you ousted as leader, no ifs, ands or buts.
- Remove bounty NPCs.
- Smaller cities cannot afford to be protected in the same way, so places like Tlaxcala, Everclear, etc. do not have the same protection granted to them.
- Tribunal salary/maintenance is now for positioned guards and to maintain the crystal. Repairing and replacing the crystal is expensive in case it gets destroyed or damaged.
- If the word of recall nerf happens, sieging a city is now very risky business. Guards will still drop fast, but trying to just blitz in for a quick gank is no longer feasible. I've been watching a lot and the game has turned into "guerilla gank: the game -- now featuring law mobz" for the most part.
- Anyone in the same group that does an attack on a gate ought to be labeled an attacker of the city. Any one who kills an attacker in defense of the city should be rewarded, not thrown in jail. No more "oh I was with the war party but didn't get reported" -- any one who attacks should immediately get thrown on the board for what we will now label "criminal assistance," which should be some sort of minor jail time for whoever gets flagged. Personal accountability, etc.
What else? Remove the ability for leadership to be used to do the commands o guard accept X and o guard leave. Guards will always be stationed. They're meant to, you know... guard. You can benefit from buffs from a guard, but any NPC you want to take with you from now on is a pet. This means that if someone is attacking, they will just come by themselves. No more having Queen's guards taking hits for you, no more using legionnaire captains to soften enemies up, no more relying on Balacha to taunt enemies still for you.
Players should primarily rely on their own merits to play and getting rid of NPC wars is really the only way. It's hilarious to me that practically all PK is done behind shit-tons of NPCs and that people care so dearly about silly ratios of kills and deaths.
Finney wrote:
This still solves nothing, since bounty NPCs are not the problem. This is simply not a PK game. The less safe you make the cities, the more likely people are to use cabal headquarters and other "safe" and obscure places to socialize.
This actually makes cities more safe, in that it now takes more time to break into a city -- you can no longer gate in, walk inside, gank. Now, attacking a city raises an alarm, and people involved can get together to fight.
Yes, sounds like a radical change, but I watch things go on and it's sooooooooooooooooooo boring. I have a whole piece on CRS that I've suggested before (not for your eyes) that would encourage huge CRS fights instead of relic-ganking, too.