Shattered Kingdoms |
The Lawl code and restitution |
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Author: | Kin [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:34 am ] |
Post subject: | The Lawl code and restitution |
xxx says 'You're too poor to pay full restitution, so you'll get some extra cell time.' xxx says 'Your prison sentence is 5 days and 2 hours.' xxx escorts you off to your new prison cell. I've played many characters all of various levels. I have never once seen a character that had enough to cover the "restitution." This is some serious bs in my opinion. You're going to have conflict inevitably, so you're eventually always going to run into the law code. Eventually, you'll either get caught or turn yourself in or something. Typically anyways. This mechanic is it was, if I recall, implemented for people who were storing their equipment away to avoid losing it and then turning themselves in. The problem with it is, it's screwing over the players who don't turn their stuff in and the "extra" jail time can be quite a bit, a day or two. That's' around what? ROughly 24-48 minutes real time isn't it? The jail time itself is boring and unproductive, why is there the need to add more? |
Author: | Edoras [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Lawl code and restitution |
The restitution added if you didn't strip naked is pretty minimal, really, unless you actually are stripped naked just by your own crimes and then -still- have crimes to go, at which point you were screwed anyway. |
Author: | Kin [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:14 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Lawl code and restitution |
The real question though is, if you aren't stripping naked, why are you getting restitution to begin with? What was the purpose of it? Also what actually cancels out the restitution? |
Author: | Edoras [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Lawl code and restitution |
If your crime requires coin to be taken from your person or from the bank, and you do not have coin in those places, then you get extra time. Also, if your sentence requires taking one or 3 items, and you only have items that are below your characters' level, then every item which is below your character's level adds a medium or small amount of jail time, depending on how far below your level that item is. I'm pretty sure that guards confiscate the highest level EQ first as well, though I'm not positive on that. |
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