Shattered Kingdoms

Looks like Justice..
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Author:  Kin [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Looks like Justice..

Okay my memory may be really fuzzy here, but I could've swore a long time ago there were some instances where NPC's wouldn't report players and instead something along the lines of "Looks like justice to me.." or something. Am I remembering this incorrectly and perhaps it's just some delusion that's never existed or did this really happen once upon a time?

If it did happen, what caused it? Anyone remember? It seems like they'd say it if you were attacked and stunned the attacker or something but I can't recall. Perhaps I'm just remembering things incorrectly though...

Author:  jhorleb [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looks like Justice..

I think that happens when someone attacks you in a law area, you are on mode stun, and you stun them.

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