Shattered Kingdoms

Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A
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Author:  Dulrik [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

Update post is here:

I am going to lead off by saying that, as always with any large change, many tweaks will need to happen to balance things out. Nothing is set in stone. However, also realize that any large change does have repercussions. Do not go into this expecting to be playing exactly the same SK that you were playing yesterday. Regardless of whether or not your particular character may stand to gain or lose from these changes, it is my opinion that they will ultimately make the game more fun overall.

Author:  cheesekk [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

I like the way that sorcerers and priests can enchant/consecrate for some different/exclusive affects.

Reading stacking and stacking-examples, am I correct in understanding that stat boosts will not augment? For example, I could enchant one item with Dex+2 and another with Dex+1 for a final result of Dex+2?

Author:  Dulrik [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

Yes, that is correct. Only the greatest enhancement endowment amongst your worn items will apply.

Note that I have begun using the term endowment to refer to all types of what were formerly known as 'enchantments' for two reasons:
1) The enchant spell is no longer the only way to endow an item. You can also consecrate it. I wanted a term that covered both.
2) Enchantment and enhancement look very similar. Deprecating 'enchantment' as terminology helps minimize confusion.

Also: There is nothing in the new help files specifically about this, but you will notice that voodoo dolls now have endowments of category resistance bonus. Since they do not provide an enhancement bonus, they will stack with an enhancement bonus. (But they will not stack with each other -- in the event that you hold two dolls that both provide a bonus to the same type, they will overlap.)

Some of this may take awhile to grok, but it should sink in with some use.

Author:  Revenger [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

You got to defend against A weapon with GREAT DMG

Which helm you should choose to defend best ?
a)A helm with GREAT AP
b)A helm with GREAT MP

Author:  cheesekk [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

I can understand that people who have spent days enchanting the perfect set would be disappointed, but I for one am encouraged that I will not have to do the same myself. I simply can't justify that amount of time hoping that random chance will give me a shot at competing.

Author:  Tojishiro [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

To my understanding, AP, since it's physical damage...
If the weapon has a magical damage type, then MP?

Author:  Revenger [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

Tojishiro wrote:
To my understanding, AP, since it's physical damage...
If the weapon has a magical damage type, then MP?

Well, according to old standards, it should be MP regardless.

What do you mean magical damage type ? All weapons should be melee, no? I don't know if the different echos they produce are based off a real hidden subtype or it is just a myth. This really needs to be cleared up also.

Author:  cheesekk [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

Imperialistic_Babble wrote:
While I appreciate D's hard work on the MUD I am not a fan of the new changes at all. I personally think they've made things more complicated as a whole, screwed over anyone that built a caster (priest) that ignored ART in their trains, screwed over melee as a whole, and any race non magical as well.

To help ameliorate this dilemma, would it be possible to allow each character a one-time attribute points reset?

Author:  NativeWolf [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

Umm...I'm covered in paint, I'm tired and reading this just really made me grumpy...

I get the idea to split things out and I like the idea of the differences being created between priests and mages, meaning you now need to visit both to get armor enchanted...

Do only priests have to relearn or do mages have to relearn as well?!

Author:  Galactus [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Code Update 11/24/2012 Q&A

So... Shamans are still screwed because idols are worthless to them. They will always use a shield over a doll and it still cannot be used in the symbol slot?

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