Okay so this'll be denounced as whining, but whatever. I'll try anyways.
I've been thinking that by themselves these two systems aren't all that damaging. However when they're paired with the new enchant system, the two in tandem is pretty devastating.
Typically a person needs both willpower and fortitude for most of the iwin spells such as petrification etc. With the new enchant system, only innate enchants stack while new endowments only go up to the most one can enchant of one. So a character has 6 slots for saves, 7 if you count the body. Lets do a bit of math.
Lets say you find every conceivable greater mod out there and it has 5, I guess some can have that much if not more. I don't know.. 3 greater fort mods with 5 and 3 greater mods for willpower. That alone is 15 willpower and fortitude and the body slot for 5 reflex for crazy warlocks.
Now lets say you manage to enchant one of each of those for willpower and fort, lets say 5 endowments each. That effectively gives you 20 willpower and 20 fortitude. The minimum most people would say you need. 3 greater mods x 5 each innate for 15 + 5 more on one of the items for 20 and then whatever your base con / wisdom factors in.
This is all fine and dandy except finding greater mods. The average player is going to have mods with maybe 2 or 3 enchants. So lets say 3 x 3 mods + 5 = 9+5 or 14 willpower / fort.
That's still quite a bit, but hers the thing. When you take a sorc or something that has high art caps, they're pitting potentially a ton of art vs a little of saves. When you add impairment, things get even worse as you're almost guaranteed to land any impairment spell on the 2nd or even 3rd try now. This is especially devastating when compared with spells like petrification or iwin spells.
Here's the thing. Impairment or art should be toned down. Somehow. The two in tandem tend to be a bit too strong together when you can effectively lower someone's saves while having increased chance of delivering it. It makes enchanting a lot less powerful and creates a scenario of where a person can say..Spam sleep on you and then cast charm. With the lowered willpower it's almost guaranteed to land. Or spam curse or blindness or some other fort saving spell then go for a petrification. The same thing applies. High art + diminished saves = iwin spells get a boost.
One of the two needs to be changed. Art needs to be made less effective or impairment needs to be changed. Perhaps make it affect magical protection so damage spells do something, I'm not entirely sure. The two together however are pretty strong in their synergy.