ObjectivistActivist wrote:
You are talking about something that requires code to function. Given that there is only one coder for this game, yes, you are talking about the priority this should be given in the grand scheme of things. Given that the time taken to implement this could be far, far, far better used to implement other, more impactful RP-oriented code modules, it's important to make the argument that the actual gain vs cost of this particular idea is an extremely poor ratio vs other options that also fall under the "RP-oriented code" heading. Temote, to provide even a single example. The two conversations are not separated; they are inextricably intertwined.
You specifically asked why looting someone should be easy, and I provided an answer. That answer happens to be directly related to the ease or lack thereof of killing someone. So yes, we are talking about that. Again, the two conversations are intertwined on a fundamental level.
Again, and really what should be the final arbiter on the merit of this idea, the gain vs cost of effort that goes into this idea is not worth it. There are plenty of other things that will increase RP and quality of RP in the game as a whole that have been suggested over a number of threads in the last few months that are much better foci for coding time than this idea.
It's not that it will not generate RP; it's that it will not generate enough quality RP for the time invested. I'm sorry you don't seem to like to hear that, but that's just the way it is.
No, Objective, YOU are talking about priority, I am not. This could be a very good suggestion that the imms like and put on their list and isn't implemented until 4 years from now and the value of the suggestion is still the same.
I do not talk about priority because I do not know all the items on the list the imm team keeps. And so the relative priority is an unknown to me, as I do not know what they're considering in full.
As I've said before it's a suggestion and that's it.
Again looting someone and the ease of killing them although related (because you cannot loot someone until you kill them) are still seperate issues. You could kill a level 1 character that's loaded with potions and you could kill a level 50 character that took you hours to kill that had the same set of potions and you'd still be faced with the same question. The ease of looting someone. Why should it be easy to sort through someone else's belongings? It shouldn't necessarily be easy. You don't know their belongings.
You speak about quality RP, I'm not, and have specifically never talked about the degree of RP this adds. What I did say was that it ADDS RP. Why? Because it adds another element that must be negotiated. It makes something that was certain, not as certain. Therefore decisions must be made. It invests you in the object more, because you must make that decision.
That is adding RP. Again no comment was made on the degree.
Are you asking me if I think that there are other things that should be looked at before this? Sure there are other things that should be looked at before this.
If you're trying to convince me that this has no value as a suggestion, you're failing miserably.