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 Post subject: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:04 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:52 pm
Posts: 313
Location: Strawberry Fields Forever~♫
-reluctantly removes her cow mask-

Woo~. This is a branch from the original thread written by Storm. I felt a new thread was appropriate, as my own thoughts are entirely different. Storm’s objective was the proposal of additional skills or abilities for the swashbuckler class. His/her ideas involved new stances, combat styles, and bonuses given from them. It is a sound proposal, but a lot of the ideas left a little much to the imagination in functionality.

The thread here is no different, as it is a proposal for additional skills and abilities for the swashbuckler. A particular individual said they had gotten bored. I wouldn’t want someone to get bored with their class. Via their description, it honestly sounds like a very fun class to start. But reading along their list of skills, it feels a teeny bit bare. Maybe the players are right.

I have a tendency to ask: Do keep and open mind~♫. This thread possibly suggests an overhaul of an existing class that is likely just fine as it is. Not only that, I feel as if I’m incorporating a concept that may or maynot be impractical within SK’s IC setting. The concepts proposed to this medieval setting is arguable. However, I would rather it not lead to heavy debate. Nor would I want to create excessive work for the Staff of coders and builders.

The overall concept is simple. I envisioned the Swashbuckler to be the city dwelling, sophisticated, lightly-armed and armored fighter, as well as a focused rifleman, dexterous acrobat and charismatic trickster. Zorro comes to mind. So do pirates like Jack Sparrow. But I’ve watched a lot of Grenadier..that had a lot of influence on whats typed here.


Also known as: noisy contraptions that expel tiny metal projectiles at high speed through the use of flame and powder. In short; firearms go boom. The highest in Gnome technology, they come in a wide range, but are limited to basic models, from pistols, to rifles and single shot hand-cannons. Multi-barreled versions do exist, and while popular, are very expensive or very difficult to come by.

Firearms sub-types:
Hand-cannon, pistol, revolver, carbine rifle, flintlocks, hunting rifle

Syntax: None (weapon skill)

(Note: No semi-automatics! No magazines! No bazookas or laser cannons! Keep it simple for the technology that is available. Even if the greatest, ugliest craftsmen this side of Zhensi came together and had a pretty baby, we're not encouraging assault weapons here.)

Pull allows you to use a firearm, assuming you have the proper skill trained. Just as some spells allow damage to be done from a distance, some types of weapons do not require you to be in the same room as your target in order to shoot them. Damage generated in this form depends on the quality of your ammunition as well as enchantments that may exist on your firearm. Enchantments can also be placed on individual ammo to increase destructive power.

Syntax: pull

The simple act of replenishing the casing into a firearm, restock allows you to prepare a pistol, revolver or handgun for firing. Unlike the bow, a pistol requires more time to fully restock its rounds. You must have the proper ammunition for this to work. However, a firearm can yield multiple rounds, allowing for less reloading.

Syntax: reload

Through practiced use, the swashbuckler can hone a firearm in collaboration with complex forms of hand-to-hand combat. This skill also affects the user’s overall ability to wield a firearm in close courters. In addition, the swashbuckler can fire accurately at close-range, as well as block or parry attacks using the hilt and barrel of their pistol. The damage caused by the firearm itself is feeble compared to the act of firing. It is said that the art of two or more engaged in this form of hand-to-hand is known as Gun-Kata.

Syntax: None (automatic)

A swashbuckler realizes the small ammunition used in their firearm tends to get lost or breaks a majority of the time. Constant purchasing of rounds can become very expensive. So to tighten their purse-strings, they have developed the art of swagging their own cartridges. To start, the crafter must be at a blacksmith to find the required materials.

Swagging is a cold forming process that involves shaping metal without heat to soften or melt it. At first the swashbuckler will only be able to create basic castings, but as she increases in experience, more advanced methods become available. Types of cartridges include hunting, combat, artillery and spiraled.

By default the ammo created will be the same size as the crafter, but you may optionally specify an alternative size for the ammo you wish to create.

Syntax: swag
Whirling Dodge

To dodge attacks and return them is a swashbuckler’s greatest asset. However, there are times where one's defense overrides the need for offense. The Whirling Dodge was developed in the company of Bards and Swashbucklers. It is a simple dancing maneuver where one spins and weaves through spells and attacks with ease. It is impossible to quaff, counter or attack during the chaotic movements. However, the dance itself allows the user to stall further attacks from landing. Inexperienced users will become dizzy with continuous usage, and those hindered by the effects of alcohol will become more vulnerable. Most actions will cancel the dance completely, as it takes focus and concentration.

Syntax: Whirl

Example (success)

Ajax begins spinning quickly on his heels!
Ajax dodges and spins through your bash!
You miss and fall flat on your face!
Ajax continues spinning along his heel!
Ajax dodges and spins through Poppy’s magic missile!
Ajax continues spinning along his heel!
Whirling Reload (Success: Dex, Whirling Dodge %)

With the unyielding threat of multiple combatants, the act of simple reloading is slow and cumbersome as one may have completely unloaded their pistol in mid-battle. The whirling reload is a dexterous maneuver that allows swashbucklers to reload their weapon in quick session then return swiftly into battle. The gun wielder must be in mid-spin of a Whirling Dodge. An attempt, even unsuccessful, will break the Whirling dodge and return the user into combat. Experts in this complex technique are even capable of reloading their pistols while blinded.

Syntax: Reload

(Reload during the Whirling Dodge)

Example (successful)

Ajax begins spinning quickly on his heels!
Ajax dodges and spins through your color spray!
Ajax continues spinning along his heel!
During mid-spin Ajax tosses a handful of bullets in the air!
Ajax smiles as he weaves a pistol skillfully through the falling bullets!
Ajax’s shot pierces through your chest HARD, piercing your ribs!
Ajax’s shot pierces through your chest HARD, piercing your ribs!
Ajax’s shot pierces through your chest HARD, piercing your ribs!

Example (fail)

Anna continues spinning along her heel!
During mid-spin Anna tosses a handful of bullets in the air!
Anna clumsily misses the reload and wasted bullets scatter to the ground…

(Note: Just to clarify, the amount of ammunition that falls/used is equal to the amount required to fully reload the currently wielded pistol. Like arrows, guns need ammo too!)

Quick Draw

This firearm skill allows the swashbuckler to respond immediately to sudden incoming ranged attacks, thus canceling the initial blow. Naturally, one must be in possession of a firearm. Success requires the utmost dexterity and absolute concentration. A drunken user will fumble their pistol leaving the counter unsuccessful.

Syntax: None (automatic)

Example (success)

Jenna abruptly faces northwest, quickly drawing her gun!
Jenna’s shot pierces someone’s chest HARD, piercing them in their ribs!

(Note: Counter a single ranged attack. Quick Draw is impossible during a Whirling Dodge)

Smoke Bomb

As fighters of style, grace and mystery, a swashbuckler can blanket an area in a thick cloud and disappear, or reappear, into the fog. All they need is a potion at hand, which leads to tossing the concoction to achieve results. There is a special knack required for the skill, as shattering the potion itself can lead to wasting its contents. A brewed potion used in this method renders its spell ineffective. Spreading the potion about is impossible and better left to quaffing. Swashbucklers are also capable of brewing their own form of smoke bomb, which lasts much longer.

Syntax: bomb <direction>

(Without argument)

Throw it where?!

Example(s) (successful)

Laurence tosses a capped test tube of fly southwest!
*A capped test tube of <spell name> flies in from the northwest!
The contents of a test tube of fly shatter and fill the room with smoke!

Example (successful)

You toss a capped test tube of fly to the ground!
The contents of a test tube of fly shatter and fill the room with smoke!

Example (fail)

Iggy tosses a capped test tube of fly to the ground!
A test tube of cure critical shatters along the ground…it’s a dud!

Sample (room effect)

The room is filled with a thick smoke.

Sample (room relieved)

The heavy smoke finally lifts.
The wind blows away the thick heavy smoke.

(Note: The only thing visible in the room is the smoke. It acts like a blind spell for the entire room, and only affects that room for a short period of time. It also prevents others from looking in adjacent rooms if then remain within the smoked room. Obvious exits remain available to the user.)
Concoct Bomb (Mana)

Through a craft borrowed from the blunders of acolyte sorcerers, the swashbuckler has learned a less-than traditional method of brewing. To start, an empty vial is required to conceive and brew the concoction. The vials made in this method are commonly used to produce smoke bombs. The spell effects are likely ineffective and methods of releasing its contents efficiently requires proper utilization. Caution should be taken as ingesting these poorly brewed potions should be avoided.

Syntax: Concoct

Example (success)

You successfully concoct a capped test tube of smoke bomb.

Example (fail)

You hold a capped test tube.
A capped test tube explodes violently!
You feel your skin sizzle and burn from your own acid blast!
That really did HURT!
10 copper coins fumes and dissolves!
A leather strap with cyan beads is etched by streams of acid!

Those who fight and run away will live to fight another day. Through honed and practiced dexterity, a strong series of acrobatics can leave your opponent bewildered as you leap and spin away into the shadows. The act of back flipping allows the swashbuckler to strategically withdrawal from battle unnoticed.

Syntax: Flip <direction>
Example (success)

Renaldo bounds in a flurry of flips then leaps high and spirals out of view!

(Note: Backflip is capable during a Whirling Dodge. Ends combat as much fleeing would do.)
Oil slick (patent pending)

An act of deceit and trickery, this work of knavery turns a liquid into a travesty for all who travel near. The swashbuckler carefully pours the contents of a container and spills them along the ground, thus leaving a puddle for some unfortunately souls to slip and fall. The contents used can be anything of a liquid substance, from water to wine. However, all bad tiding are not forever, as the puddle will dry up overtime. Flying travelers will find it easier to escape the awaiting peril. It may also be removed if some drunk haggard decides to drink it.

Syntax: slick <container>

Example (success)

Jessie deviously pours out a metallic black flash.

Example (fail)

James clumsily fumbles a container spilling the contents over himself.

Sample (within room)

*A large puddle of <liquid name> is here.

Sample (walking in room):

You slip in a large puddle of orange juice and fall down!


A shaggy male giant jogs in from the north.
*A shaggy male giant slips in a large puddle of <liquid name> and falls down!

Sample (drink removal)

A shaggy male giant scratches his head.
*A shaggy male giant drinks a puddle of <liquid name>.
A shaggy male giant looks drunk.

(Note: Simply stand back up and keep on walking. Does no damage, and the puddle is temporary. Only affects the room, and those walking through it. Though, I would question if that yellow puddle is lemonade. Multiple rooms possible?)
Hurdle (originally Pole-vault)

Developed during skirmishes at sea, pirates and sailors use feats of remarkable acrobatics to jump from ship to ship. Using strength, agility and a running start, a swashbuckler may launch themselves across one room and into the adjacent room. If no room is available at the end of the vault, nor between, the user will crash into the wall. You must be standing with your feet on the ground and your speed must be set to the highest possible for your race.

Syntax: hurdle <direction>

Sailing the blue seas, crewmen often find themselves battling squids and annoying sea creatures. Given that some are inedible, or taste appalling, the disgruntled sailors developed a proper technique in removing the little critters. In battle, a swashbuckler can deliver a strong kick to smaller opponents, sending the pitiable victim off in another direction. This free-form kick requires all their balance, strength, flexibility and concentration. A missed punt can lead to severe consequences.

Punting equally sized or larger opponents is a rather pointless endeavor, as this kicking form does little to no damage and would likely anger that towering, colossal giant.

Syntax: punt <target> <direction>

Example (success)

Paula rears back and swings her leg at a translucent female sprite!
Goal! A translucent female sprite is punted north, spiraling through the air!

Example (success)

A freckled female giant rears back and swings her leg at you!
A freckled female giant connects, sending you for the ride of your life!
You are sent spiraling southwest!
You roll during the landing and sprawl along the ground.


A stout male dwarf spirals in from the west!
A stout male dwarf crashes and sprawls along the ground.

(Note: I see Punt as a way to forcefully remove smaller units from battle. It does VERY little damage. It’s likely more useful for Giant, Minotaur, or Centaur Swashbucklers who have strength, but lack the required dexterity to perform a successful Backflip. Punting has a tick for both the user and the recipient. You can Punt a Prone target with a higher rate of success.)

(PS: Pffft! Ahahahahaaa!~♫)


I honestly applaud the addition of Skirmish as an available skill to Swashbucklers. However, I’d like to rename it as a separate skill, and remove Skirmish entirely. Replace with a skill that function identically, yet solely utilizes the firearm.

It feels possible to not also encourage firefights between two classes but also two weapon types as well. Which is best? Arrows vs bullets? You decide!

Gunfight (tweaking the desc a little)

Gunfighting permits a character to go on ranged offense with a firearm. Without the skill, a character has to carefully examine the area around him for possible ranged targets in order to attack. Even with the auto fire ability, a character can only react to attacks that have already happened and cannot move from the spot where he is standing.

Gunfight lifts all of those restrictions. Even when not actively attempting to engage, a gunner who makes her skill check will be able to move and fire for as long as the target remains in range. Targeting also becomes second nature to the gunner. Using the gunfight command, the user automatically begins firing at the named target when they enter range.

Gunfight with no keyword will stop active gunfighting.

Syntax: gunfight

-slips cow mask back on-

Smoochy can keep going, honestly...

Last edited by Smoochy Bovine on Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:13 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:21 pm
Posts: 906
I would love to have flintlocks, and whatnot added in the game. Doubt it ever will though. On punt, it is already in the game under a sekrat skill.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:18 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:52 pm
Posts: 313
Location: Strawberry Fields Forever~♫
Don't say that! Jinx! This is a Sekrat skill for swashies! LOL

Edit: Lets add flintlocks to the list!

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 5:10 pm
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Location: Rhode Island
SK Character: Walthur
Would love the whole smoke bomb thing for rogues, they also need help.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:13 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:01 am
Posts: 480
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Just give them more HP?

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:15 am 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
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More HP doesn't solve the fact that Swashbucklers are boring as hell to play.

I like the cut of your jib re: this post. It's a different direction than I was thinking of, encouraging movement and acrobatics over focusing on wielding two blades.

To be honest, it almost makes me wonder if the current swashbuckler ought to be retooled and renamed to something more fitting, and a new swashbuckler created with these ideas.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:31 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:22 pm
Posts: 1648

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:59 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
Dude, swashbucklers are awesome.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:00 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:50 am
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Location: At home. Or work, maybe. Or working from home.
As much as I'm in favor of swashbucklers getting the love they deserve and need, I'm rather opposed to turning the overall flavor of the MUD into steampunk. I really appreciate the fact that SK doesn't have any conceptualization of firearms more sophisticated than the crossbow.

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 Post subject: Re: Smoochy's Swashy Resuscitation
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2002 10:34 am
Posts: 1505
Location: Los Angeles, CA
I agree with Nightwing, no steampunk robotic firearm thingys please.

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