Shattered Kingdoms

Get items from containers while blind
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Author:  Anjin [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Get items from containers while blind


Our blind characters can already use items that are in their inventory.

I propose that they be able to get items from their containers.

I never look into my pocket to get my wallet, my keys or my phone, anyway. Closing my eyes does not prevent me from fishing items out of my wife's purse, either- and she has like 30+ scrolls and consumables in there, it's a jungle.

Author:  cubanoh [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind


Author:  grep [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind

Although I find myself intensely curious as to how you wind up equipping your wife's purse, I have to confess that the sensibility of the idea itself far outweighs that mystery.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to just make blindness apply a reflex save vs increased lag to any command with a target and leave visibility unmolested. Right now it 100% shafts people who didn't prepare and 0% bothers anyone who did. That binary extreme is a little silly and could be tweaked to create a more robust system.

Author:  Opey [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind

If you're forced to have your eye washer or cure blind potion in your inventory, rogues have something to steal.

I understand the practicality, but the next step from here is being able to quaff items in your container. No slippery slopes, please.

Author:  Anjin [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind

Every married man will eventually have his wife's purse equipped. It's only a matter of time.

I totally get your point about slippery slopes, Opey. I mean, come on. Same sex marriage? What's next? Group marriage between two men, a legal minor and a dog?

Abortion? What's next, infanticide?

Author:  Travorn [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind

Amy: But it's time to discuss a pressing issue, the right to marry who, or what, we want!
Bender: Every other couple has the right to marry, robot and fembot.
Randy: Our poodle has two daddies.
Bender: Interracial, interplanetary, even ghost and horse, but not robot and human.
Amy: That's why we're introducing this ballot initiative to legalize robosexual marriage.
Bender: If you hate intolerance and begin punched in the face by me, please support Proposition Infinity!

A bit later:
Linda: In a stunning turnout, voters have approved Proposition Infinity. Robosexual marriage is now legal.
Morbo: What's next, [REDACTED] robosexual marriage?

Author:  Opey [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Get items from containers while blind

I read this book call If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It was about this dude who wanted a cookie and then this other guy just kept giving him stuff when really if he had just taught the mouse to fish in the fisrt place he could've, like, sold some fish to a guy for money and the trade the money for cookie. Easier that way.

Mich the same it be with eye washer. See?

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