Dabi wrote:
When it does happen, you won't see any elves going gray/dark, or deep-elves going gray/light, etc. But a shift from one same-aura alignment to another may be possible with good enough reason. It wouldn't come cheap or easy though.
Which effectively means that the only 'possible' alignment changes are relatively pointless, for being such a monumental taboo undertaking.
95% of the alignment things you'll get punished for are strict to light/grey/dark, not specific alignments (like lighties can't kill lighties). And of the 5% of things that can get you cursed, it's mostly affected by outside factors (like, you didn't get cursed for doing X as a Principled character, really, you got cursed for doing X as a paladin/priest of love/whatever).
Edit : Would be interesting to see more IC punishments for IC actions, rather than 'bam you lose five levels' which is a really ooc punishment for ic actions, like maybe a misbehaving lightie loses access to request because people have heard about his [REDACTED] reputation.
I found Gedyarf's recent curse (assume he got cursed since it got posted in afterlife punishments), kind of [REDACTED]. Not sure how it's "bad roleplay" for an evil shaman to kill some of his guards for a magical artifact. A tarnish from his Tribunal would have made sense, but a curse, even a small one, seems [REDACTED].