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 Post subject: Ideas for changing how maledictions work
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:17 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am
Posts: 606
SK Character: Caric
After reading the code update about resisting of spells I was looking towards Maledictions
The issues I see with them is that wearing people down to make them land is bad. If you land a malediction spell when something is at 100% life vs 10% life you get 10 times the value out of it. Also you probably payed 5 times the ME to get the one that is 10 times less effective. Also Malediction spells are not working towards the goal of killing things directly which means that you are "wasting resources" failing maledictions working to a tangential goal rather working towards the same goal (this is assuming you land your maledictions then you focus on killing things.)

I see a few ways that this could be improved with game design change. Maledictions (and to a lesser extent one shot spells) could get a third middle save state. Finger of death is much more useful in a group than petrify because a failed FoD can still cause damage. The counter intuitive thing with this is it should be higher damage for spells that have less impact. Failing a blind spell should cause more damage than failing a curse spell. This could be tweaked so it only happens against Master level and above PvE.

A different approach would be to have the malediction negative to a target be a part buff to the player for a short time. It would have to either not function the same way on players or the time would need to be very short to stop buffing on PvE to use on PvP. This would give a player who moved more quickly a better chance to land spells on things at 100% life.

Third way I see to improve it would be to improve how maledictions on weapons work so that they either have a greater impact on creating the negative effect or make it so that the spell casts more than once, this could be based off art or level. If your sword casts plague curse and poison every combat round for a number of rounds that would have a huge impact on foes saves for prep time rather than ME cost.

Fourth way is give malediction classes a spell to improve the chances to land their maledictions directly. This would have a high chance of landing think 75+% on a high save and reduce the targets saves against one maledictions. AKA the not one shot spells. The time spent casting this spell would be the cost for the pay off being able to land maledictions before PvE things reach 50% life. This in itself would make it less effective against PvP as players have less life as a general rule. This would mean you cast said spell then cast curse cast said spell cast blindness etc.

The first way helps focus maledictions to be more inline with what the group is doing. The second way leaves things more like they are just improves the weaker spells to be more useful. The third and fourth way will change up how malediction classes play the game and their impact.

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