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 Post subject: Historical Timeline for Pyrathia
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:15 am 
Immortal (Inactive)

Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 873
Location: Missouri
Howdy all.

I've been trying to piece together a timeline of events on SK. This is the order of events from an IC perspetive, not in the order they were added to the game (i.e., Craeftilin is older than Exile IC wise, but Exile was added to the game before Craeftilin was).

This is NOT an authoritative timeline. Much of this is just an arbitrary decision on my part, or an educated guess. My goal is not to get a yardstick to beat people over the head with but to give a general framework.

Look this over and tell me what errors, gaps, or contradictions there are.

PLEASE DON'T JUST SIMPLY SAY, "YOU'RE MISSING XXXXX." Tell me where xxxx would fit in the timeline ("between yyy and zzz").


CREATION (? to 100,000 years ago)
Pyrathia created (either by Dulrik or by "the high god," depending who you ask)
Gods first appear (created?)
Leviathan created/comes to Pyrathia

AGE OF WONDERS (100,000-5,000 years before the third age)
The "First Race" (the elves) created
The War in the Wastelands Plane (The war the made the Wastelands Plane what it is today, in other words)
First known references to Zynor/Dabi
First known references to Dulrik/God of truth
First known references to God of Elements/Yed
First known references to God of Chaos/Marfik
First known references to Nada/Achernar/God of Change-death
First known references to Magic and its God/Mira
First known references to dragons
Dwarves created
Vaerlain founded
Sprites first recorded
Gnomes first recorded
Craeftilin first recorded; legendary gnomes Mesong and Cicatrix first recorded
First known references to Zavijah/Zarathustra
First known references to Nature Goddess/Nashira,
First known references to Az'Pook/Dreddnahr/Thuban
Surface Elves and Deep Elves split
Ch’zzrym founded
Humans and Halflings first recorded
First known references to Aludra/God of Love
First known references to Alshain/God of Courage
First known references to Sargas/God of War
First known references to God of Healing/Meissa
First known references to Yenko/Sadr
First known references to Sadal/Yizashi/Luck
First warlock recorded
Giants and Centaurs first recorded

FORGOTTEN ERA (5,000 BTA to First year TA)
(Multiple unrecorded empires and kingdoms fall and rise in this era)
War of Centaurs and Giants (Obrus and Sornoc/War of Thunder)
Halfling kingdom formed in the eastern islands
Necromancy first recorded
War begins between Kias and the halfling necromantic clans
Halfling kingdom in ruins from necromantics; Kias cursed; halflings flee to the mainland and scatter. It is for this reason there is no halfling homeland.
C'thonian race first recorded
Ch’zzrym-Craeftilin wars
Vahhan’s empire rises and falls (Vahhan of the Leviathan RP)
N'kashya founded (oldest continuously inhabited human city)
Centaurs and sprite tribes/bloodlines become distinct--Aru Tribe splits off

(500 years before the Third Age)
A recognizable Zhenshi language and culture develops
The city that will become Necropolis founded
First recorded reference to the Tower of Dundalis
First recorded reference to the dragon Radi Kenga

To-be-Necropolis and N'kashya become part of the vast Aghelian Empire, ruled by Kol the Conqueror.
Kol’s empire rises and falls as the last empire to rule a majority of Pyrathia. (30 BTA- 1 BTA). The Empire's power was centered around seven legendary cities: Aghelus (destroyed 1 TA), Redstune (destroyed sometime 1TA-100 TA), Kairthedge (later Seaside), Wylyn (vanished sometime 1TA-100 TA), Lynthwood (later Necropolis), N’kashya, and Eskesy-du (destroyed sometime 1TA-100 TA).

Year 1 TA starts with the death of Kol and mysterious obliteration of Aghelus, the ruling city.

HISTORICAL ERA (First year TA to 300 TA)
Ayamaon Alliance founded
Legendary city of Cathar-du founded
Minotaur tribe flourishes in land around Lake Everclear – dubbed “Great Bulls of the West” by the Zhensh for their great size, hunting prowess, and ranching skills
Warlords from parts unknown--presumed to have come over the Southern Seas-- conquer roughly half of the Aghelian Empire to form The Empire of Bright Star, including N'kashya and what would become known as the cities of Seawatch and Seaside (3-67 TA)
The Lands of Zhenshi bump into the Kingdom of Cathar-du around 119 TA. The constant skirmishes continued until Zhenshi was able to conquer the territories from the Red Stag river south, sacking Cathar-du in the process (125 TA). The Zhenshi can't hold on to the territory and retreat.
The Empire of Bright Star attacks a weakened Cathar-du in the Cathar-du Wars, 126-130.
While the Empire’s resources are stretched thin, about 128 TA a slave called Taslamar leads a slave rebellion against the Empire of the Bright Star in the east. This self-proclaimed "General" Taslamar leads his people west, fleeing the wrath of the Imperial legions. The Kingdom of Taslamar subsequently arises in the west, named after its founder.
By 130 TA the Empire of the Bright Star had conquered Cathar-du, renaming it Menegroth. General Nohamstis (see "help human") dies--after years of battling on the western fringes--in the sacking of Cathar-du.
A flood of refugees swell the ranks of Taslamar’s population from the years 131-150, eventually outnumbering the original band of escaped slaves. The language of Taslamar is a variant of Empire and Cathar-du, mixed.
Griffons first recorded about 150 TA.
Emperor Li comes to power in Zhenshi; Nerina develops from a village to a city.
Li is granted immortality by Yigg.
Owyran / Krychire founded at about this time
General Taslamar founds Exile, "The City of the Free."
Taslamaran-Minotaur War – Minotaurs turn to worshipping the Blood Lord, are transformed to half-man/half-bull, ultimately defeated and driven north by joined forces of Taslamar, Zhenshi, and the Ayamaoan Alliance; Taslamar claims lands of Lake Everclear
Cain Techt constructed by the Fir Melle in response to a growing concern about N'Kyashan experimentation in the East.
N’kashya cursed
First record of merfolk; Selhys (merfolk town) founded. According to legend, the merfolk were part of the group of escape slaves who established Taslamar. After the death of their leader Selhys, a near-civil war erupted in the kingdom, and the followers of Selhys fled, eventually transformed into merfolk to establish their own kingdom.
Li's weak leadership in Zhenshi forces the Fist to start running the kingdom.
Grahme/Elisair/A’van keep/Mortoon Village/Khardyl Village all founded around this time
Everclear founded
Tlaxcala mage colony established
Varloch's city is cursed and becomes Necropolis
Yix combines rough Uxmal villages into a the city of Teron in 299 TA

CONTEMPORARY ERA ( Beginning 300 TA)
Queen Serena becomes Monarch of Taslamar
Camp Reyorsted established
Krychire moved
Yix, ruler of Teron, dies (351 TA)
Tale of the Golden Ones (Centaur legend about Kabahasta)
Queen Serena of Taslamar & her sister Khalida abducted by the Adepts
Everclear subverted by the Adepts
The pirate Rixia is installed in Everclear as an agent of the Adepts
Queen Serena of Taslamar rescued and restored to her throne
Old Elven city of Lytheldar falls
Old Dwarven area (name?) falls
Jinnahra, daughter of Dreddnahr, born
The golden years of peace/Heroes
S’hochi tribe is founded by Tarak & Jalma Artachi, Zephir
The ascension of Yopparai into immortality
The appearance of Lord Khore
New Elven city of Sith’a’niel is founded
S’hochi/Druids officially united, act as overseers of Ayamaoan Alliance
The god Calrion appears from the tears of Rishivel's followers in the courtyard of Morea Castle
Mass induction of Calrion's new faithful (486 TA)
Dyasha the Dragonslayer challenges King Antolos of the Minotaurs; Minotaur civil war erupts, tribe is split- 1/3 remain loyal to Antolos, flee to Uxmal, 1/3 pledge loyalty to Dyasha, 1/3 flee to the far east
Rise of the Blood Priestess Mortifair to lead the Adepts
The rise of Sorceror Damacon
The Blood Wars
Adepts invade Nerina and Exile in an effort to kidnap and sacrifice Orion--barely routed by Hammer in Exile and Fist in Nerina
The fall of Paladin Fayne Dannerson at the hands of darkness (around about the Year 532 TA now)
Damacon assumes rulership of the "Aghelian Empire" in the North
The Tower of the Rose constructed in Taslamar
Tzeech declares the annexation of Taslamar and the Kingdom of "Tzeechlamar"
“Aghelian Empire” conquers Seaside
“Aghelian Empire” invades Seawatch
"Emperor" Reorcyn succeeds to Damacon's "throne" in the North
“Emperor” Reorcyn betrays Adepts, switches allegiance to the Midnight Council and attempts to cede Seaside back to the Empire – city is occupied by Imperial legionnaires but Imperial law is not fully supported, city remains contested by fallen “Aghelian Empire” (aka Krychire) until Seaside’s destruction
Knights of Selkwood founded
(Around about the year 577 TA now)
The Liberation of Everclear
The Teronia rogue Dreadic murders Queen Serena
The Palace of Exile is destroyed in the process
Hammer declares Martial Law and assumes rule of Taslamar
The Hammer begin the search for Prince Gerevan
The Treants march against Taslamar
The reconstruction of Everclear is completed
The Age of Heroes ends
Nada changes into Achernar
(Around about the year 600 TA now)
Harlequins led by Junta Adomos and their allies (General Kharix of the Enforcers, radical members of the Church of Elements, and the Midnight Council) overthrow Uxmaln Emperor Delhennan & Empress Moonlight and restore the city to Anarchy- southern half of city destroyed by earthquakes. Rebuilding commences.
Tenkawa, future ruler of Zhenshi, is born and taken in by the Fist.
612TA - Li of Zhenshi dies; Zhang the Usurper assumes throne
Gerevan is found and named King of Taslamar
Fort Tethos established
Radical faction of Aru centaurs rises to power in Ayamao, much to the dismay of King Camby of Sith'a'Niel
All Ayamaoan roads systematically destroyed, including the old bridge over the Tarim
Zhang occupation of Zhenshi and Craeftilin ends with the death of Zhang (638 TA)
Death of Camby, last King of Sith'a'Niel
The rebirth of the god Calrion as the god Alshain (sword battle with the god Sargas) --Meissa reborn (641 TA)
Craeftilin opens to the outside world (644 TA)
The reclaiming of Seawatch
Seaside destroyed by the return of the Leviathan. The Leviathan beached itself and began sending out its spawn, the "wrigglers" and the Synyta. After reading a prophecy in the book of Zejerian, the Leviathan is granted immortality by the staff of the Vahha-Timmil, thus precluding the need to die and respawn. Alshain claims the Vahhan-Timil so that it will not reside in mortal hands.
Destruction of Hazeron's Tower by the Venerable Green Dragon
Gaal’s Curse of Teron – Aru curse brought on city, northern docks and aqueduct of city flooded, destroying significant portions of northern half of city
Creation of Stonegate by Ensley
Algorab slays Nightfall in Teron
Jinnahra sets a trap for Meissa in the old cathedral of Rishivel/said cathedral is destroyed
Meissa is freed/hunts down Jinnahra and destroys her
Thuban is born
Ain comes about
Sith'a'niel suffers a series of raids from Ch'zzrym, eventually stopped by infighting among the deep-elves
Peacekeepers devolved from the Hammer's authority (677 T.A.)
King Gerevan confirms Hammer's rights to Morea
Talons formed
Adepts would have broken off relations with Krychire/Council of Necromancers formed
First true bard recorded
Royal Games of Taslamar (690 TA)
Adepts open the Demon Gate in Taslamar, bringing forth marauding demons
Druids plant the Winterwood Seeds in the Empire, turning half of their arable land into a thick forest with poisoned fruit and destroying the roads between North and South Empire in the process
EoBS form economic aggreement with the west to supplicate their loss of resources and food, at the same time devoting energy in reclaiming their lands
The Midnight Council calls forth the Blight, destroying the Winterwood completely.
The Blight backfires and begins to spread uncontrollably.
Negotiations between Druids and Midnight Council fail, leading Arbiter Loqui to perform a ritual alone, stopping the Blight and turning the blighted land into a swamp.
A -second- demon gate opens in the Swamps, near N'Kashya
The Empire devotes resources in the investigating the demon portal and delivers necessary clues to lead in its destruction in the West by the Hammer of Light. As a result the Eastern gate closes as well.
Imperial-Uxmaln War of the Eighth Century
Meteor falls in the Cursed Wood.
Orc wars; Neo-Nerina founded
Guardians of the Ayamao forged from Knights of Selkwood, assume military and peacekeeping responsibilities from the Druids of the Wild Reaches
Cleansing of the caverns of the undead, creation of the Ayamaoan outpost
Creation of a living wall around Sith'a'niel by the Guardians and Druids
Taslamaran famine (caused by bladeweed) relieved by the grain stores of the Alliance
Taslamar annexes unclaimed western lands and begins consruction of new outpost
780 TA Frollith destroys the Staff of Demise, an evil relic of Zshar the Murderfiend, with the help of the Hammer of Light.
Taslamar opens Western Collegium as its new western-most presence
Mira and Zavijah hold the Wixlax Contest; the Magic faith wins (781-786 TA)
Owyran destroyed (783 TA)
784 Eisenvahl has regathered all of the shattered pieces of the Staff of Demise, and performs a dark ritual to draw the evil of the staff out of Frollith, and back into the staff, recreating it.
First Tourney of Heroes held
Khore reawakens as Yed
Ibudon Rev'Ero, Grand Druid, performs a ritual with the rest of the Druids that turns the Imperial Swamplands into a deep forest whose fruits are not poisonous. Ibudon communed with his father, loqui's spirit, and given the knowledge of loqui and his own druidic skills, he gave his life force to heal the land.
Incarnation of Dabi
Prophecy of the Sword of Zynor
Second Tourney of Heroes held
The Great Krychire Earthquake of 844 TA. Soon after, Khardyl Village is discovered and the ruins of Aghelus are uncovered.
Increasingly brutal assaults from barbarians of unknown motivation or origin afflict the civilized cities.
King Gerevan dies in 851 TA. Estimates of his age range from 275-350 years old. No heir to the throne is known, so the ministers and Peacekeepers of Taslamar establish joint rule over the kingdom.
Moraksdal, centered around the ancient castle known as Kol' Keep, is built on the ruins of Aghelus.
The rescue of Queen Serena (899 TA).
Empress Haraku officially elevated by the Council of Blossoms in TA 904, with the consent of the Fists and Talons.
937 TA Emperor Slayne of the Empire retire from his throne
Disappearance/Dissolution of the Adepts of the Blood Path
Griffon War against the Empire called to formal being on 950 T.A.

Present day

If I skipped over anything, let me know--or if the order seems to be off.

[Edit: Incorporated some of the suggestions. Others I need to check on.]

Last edited by werttrew on Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:49 am, edited 60 times in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:23 am 
Perhaps when Everclear was burned by the hammer. And when the giant camp was formed?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:43 am 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
Forgot to add when that happened Trag.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:52 am 
The hell if I know, just know IT did happen. 8)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:56 am 
Perhaps the fall of the last (to date) king of Sith'a'niel, Camby, and the incursion of the deep-elves into the surface might be noted. Also, perhaps the reforming of the knights of selkwood into the guardians of the alliance. Not that I'm shamelessly plugging myself.

But really I am.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:49 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:39 pm
Posts: 654
I thought the Knights of Selkwood was a better name. :P Maybe something about Dundalis Tower since it in itself holds a lot of SK's history. I don't know when exactly that went in or when the old temple in the sewers of Exile was changed.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:53 am
Posts: 1786
The formation of the spire? No clue what caused it though.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2003 10:36 pm
Posts: 119
From research I did with my halfling IC on the origins of the race, I believe there should be:

AGE OF WONDERS (100,000-10,000 years ago)
Elvish first-race created
-Halfling empire formed in the eastern islands-
-Halfling empire rose to height under the Sea King Kias-
-War begins between Kias and the Necromantic clans(not sure if thats the same as the war in the wastelands plane?)-

The War in the Wastelands Plane
-Halfling kingdom in ruins from necromantics; halflings flee to the mainland+scatter-

Or, I could just be completely off. It all made some good sense though.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:48 am
Posts: 1306
You've got two rebirths of Meissa. From my count the second rebirth shouldn't be there. Perhaps we should discuss the more IC details via PM if we disagree.

Also, I think Neo Nerina was founded long after you've got it recorded: I'd place it after the bards and the Uxmaln War but before Owyran destroyed (but I could be remembering wrong)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:09 pm 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 2423
Location: Athens, Greece
There is another theory of how and when Nada came to be IC. And Leviathan was never created, it came from another plane.

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