Hello, I was thinking about religions today. I was thinking that if you are an F3 in a faith, the highest level in a faith, you are kind of like the Pope.
It makes sense to me that if you are an F3 in a faith you should be able to order any NPCs in your faith to obey you like how they do it with the leadership skill. They should make it that when you encounter a NPC that same faith as you you should be able to order that NPC. I'm not saying you can have them group with you and travel around but if the F3 of a faith shows up in a temple they should be able to order the local clergy to cast spells on them and such. Just have it so they don't join the pc's group.
I don't see why members of the same church wouldn't help each other. This might even extend to f2's. Ideas? Doesn't it make sense that if the highest, holiest power, in a religion showed up at a temple the local clergy would be falling all over themselves to help that person?
This includes knights and such. If you are say in Seawatch and you are in a room with Kourach or something and you are in his faith you should be able to order him to cast spells like shield or something or possibly to even attack another person in the room with you? As long as they don't join your group it seems fine. Last thing I want to see is a priest with a group of eight npc religion NPCs running around gettting them all to cast harm on someone to insta kill them?
Though I can see how this might cheapen the persuasion skill if you can order hellion NPCs to cast shield and paladin NPCs to cast armor and bless and such? I donno.
I like the idea. Thoughts?