patrisaurus wrote:
This is so strange. You posted a fairly composed set of paragraphs that showed some concern for structure and attempts at punctuation, capitalization, etc. Yet, every single interaction with this character (a hallmark of yours) was "locate this. imma get that. lemme get that mod. locate essence. lets do dreamscape i want gear. no ok imma go then". Honestly, it got to a point where I'd wonder if you had a disorder or something, as your interactions (if they could be called that) with my characters involved not the slightest recognition of anything outside the 14ish lines of equipment on score sheet.
Seriously. I don't usually complain about people having poor grammar if they try to arpee, but this guy just did not give a single umm....
Sorry guy. Better luck with next.
Oh, I didn't realize patrisaurus had said exactly what I had wanted to say. I was just being vague on purpose to not hurt feelings, but I guess it lessens the blow if I can just say "ditto."