Okay guys, I think it's time to say farwell to sk. Life happens, and I am quite blessed for it. My friend is in remission, and doing great. But I have a job I love, and so many other things in my life going on that I just don't have the time. And truth be told, all my characters are pretty much the same at the root of it. So Eskay is not going to be missing much! I will always miss playing soul dice, and I hope the ghost of nos?phtyki? Will continue to haunt the game and all the Druids. After all, it was my favorite cabal
. Thanks again everyone!
Thanks Borren and Kirlin, Lorik, my secret Harlie friends, the MC and hand for making it fun, and even patri for stirring up mischief! I will miss the halfling king too, even though he was a delf necro. You guys are incredible! And if I forgot you, feel free to storm on my parade, even rain can be fun.
PS feel free to flame if you need to, it's okay as long as it makes you feel better. No worries, life is too short to sweat the small stuff