Eryni was absolute dung on a stick. She was basically Ealuriel, but with swords, incredibly forced and fake "bleeding heart Aludran" moments inbetween the viciousness and profanity that invariably pour into Syn characters, no courage to shake anything up or do anything differently, and, of course, a Y chromosone- another thing that invariably pours into Syn characters.
Ealuriel, on the other hand, was just absolutely freaking awesome. She was one of the few darkies with the courage to do serious darkie V darkie PK, and generate endless, delicious character interaction over her brazenly independent actions, rather than falling into the mind-numbing track of Light V Dark world warring.
My interactions with her, as Jorinthia, gave me the opportunity to see her first, as an enemy and enemy of an enemy, and then as a friend, and enemy of a friend. Both situations provided me with very rich interaction with an intelligent, arrogant, manipulative and ever-plotting drow. Which is to say, with the only kind of drow that there should ever be.