jerinx wrote:
Your conclusion is pretty fail, especially assuming he had an alt. Because you break it out neatly into hours - how about this? About 2 6.5 hour weekend time-stints (a perfectly reasonable time-sink for a hobby) and about an hour a day the rest of the week, if that. Maybe he had a week off that skewed the numbers? Does it really seem so wasteful at that point? Everyone has hobbies, many of them absorbing a lot of time. The thing is I see the big picture, with reality and all. Everyone has a hobby. And taking all those hours and adjusting them to responsible levels spaced in the week takes it from "addiction" to "hobby" with almost no turbulence in transition.
I have 314 hours on a 13 week old character - one which I have only ever logged in to from outside of work twice ever for no more than an hour total. The math works out to me being 4.8 hours out of a 9 hour work shift, with me being AFK more than 60% of that logged in time time (that anyone who has played with me will tell you), average more hours a week than Turon. I take no offense and am not offended, I just think a creatively fail use of numbers for some 'reality check' is [REMOVED]. You're skewing facts to draw an assumptive conclusion, and ignorance is what offends me.
Is that the sweet smell of naivety? Edoras did not play Turon on just the weekends. He played him nearly every day, perhaps taking a few days or weeks off to do other things, like play his alts or do whatever offline. How do I know this? Because 1) "always ready for prime-time" players are nearly always logged on way more than they should be [see Afterlife compliments about how XXX was good to go all the time] 2) carefully modulated hobby-type player-characters don't usually rage delete and 3) I was playing heavily at the same times Turon was.
Beauty is pain. SK is a painful game and Turon was a beautiful character.
Good job on offending yourself through your own ignorant rose-tinted glasses hypothesis ventured. No doubt!