patrisaurus wrote:
1) Agree, and that's why a coded defeat option is a bad call
I personally don't want a win/lose condition at all. I like the way the game works already. But if there has to be some sort of end-game in wars, I much prefer it to be unquestionably objective and not up to any interpretation. Trosis had some good ideas on some variables on that front but they'd need some adjustment. A lone Surrit shouldn't be able to win a war in a single night. I'm hoping by the way that you don't want to see rubbish conditions like "war will end when you step down from power" and "stay in the river forever and we'll give the truce to your successor" staff enforced. If someone asks for something like that and he's serious about someone giving up a leader flag and compromising his character or deleting then he's a twat and shouldn't have any staff support at all.
I've always assumed these things as pretty much acting like a twat IC and not being an actual twat OOCly, with the silent understanding that both parties enjoy the pvp and rp that's going on and want to continue it.
patrisaurus wrote:
2) Disagree, that's basically a leader's job on SK. He should've kicked some people out earlier if they weren't willing to engage, but the case for his removal seems to be that he didn't try to engage (other than logging in occasionally to dictate). Dictating is great, and being quick with the uninducts for people who aren't impressing is often a really good decision, but you have to back that up with time played and time spent actually providing leadership and helping people grow as players or you are 100% of the time going to get a love cabal.
You're correct with the pimphand approach but it's not as if new recruits are a dime a dozen with the low numbers I've been seeing. I can completely understand him expecting that the few people he had would work together and improve eventually and not spend all their login time in wilderness areas. Then again with the limited evidence here it doesn't look as if Nokuro played this entirely right. Low numbers mean that even with one member, you resort to the team darkie vs team lightie strategy and make use of alliances and RP to wage a war. Can't do that without significant time investment. I still don't think he should be punished for it though.
By the way, can someone explain why a war that goes on halts things on a very static universe like Pyrathia? War effects only stop things like buying stuff from vendors and that's only if you're an outlaw, paying extra tributes on faction accounts etc. What's the big deal with this?