Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Orac [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Vordeshamel

Well, I was master (4) In full adamantite, had berserk + fury going I was mounted with a certain mastered ability and still I wasn't able to kill Bill Kourney with 2 other jman level NPCs using a flamberge. Eff this. Fit and delete delete.

 o [Scores] Vordeshamel, - Of the western reaches, Soldier in service to Que o
 o    Status: Master(4)         Race: Half-elf         Class: Barbarian      o
 o   Kingdom: Taslamar         Cabal: Hammer of Light (Member)               o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/18 items                    Load: 0.0/316.0 pounds           o
 o    Health: Slaughtered     Mental: Drained       Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Kill/aggressive    o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You are over one-third of the way to the next level.                      o
 o You have played 97 hour(s) so far.                                        o

Thanks go out ot the Hammer, Lirimaer, linarumien, and many others. Seems I just can't find a character I think is good enough anymore. In 2 and a half months of playing again I've been through A master level bard, a master level barb, a mentor scout, and an expert barb. I donno if I'll be coming back after this one.

Only got pked 2 times with this char and that was at Expert. Just want to say thanks to OVT for not looting an expert lvl char. That was decent of him.

Author:  Eusd [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, I had no idea this was you Conan. I'm pissed off that you decided to delete over something stupid. Good luck and hope you roll another

Author:  Orac [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hahaha, Eusd. Man I sent you my YIM and you never ever used it. Also, I was thinking in PK terms. A human merc pc, armed with say a cold iron flamberge, would likely have raped me hard. Even though people don't really do solo pk anymore I still think in those terms. Ever since my days as an SK outcast kinda thing.

Author:  Kin [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I never met the character, but we seem to think a like. I like to guage the strength of my characters in 1 v 1 duels and such as well and a lot of the times I often lost. I tried a Half Elf barb once as well and I think I got him to about mentor 3- master 2. I pretty much said "f that" as well.

Good luck with your next if you make one.

Author:  Minette [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Uh, Orac, why the deletes! It's making us sad.

We got close to Manfred, and we liked him. We were going to stick it out with him high and low. Now this guy, only saw him briefly on the road during the bugs attack, but he had that zeal the Hammers have.

You have a history of decent characters, hopefully you will find something you like.

Author:  Jardek [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree; it's not worth playing a character who would be owned in combat. Good strategy - if you can't find a superior class and race though, you should consider playing something more evasion based, like a warlock, sorc or scout.

Author:  Erevan [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 


I liked vordeshamel. I had hopes for him too.

Damn you. This was a decently RPed character with flaws and perks to distinguish him from the 'crowd' of 'perfekt' chars.

I'm going to wish you luck with your next, but I'm also going to hope youre going to stick to him. Okay being elite is good, but enjoying your character no matter how he turns out to be is also the sign of a good RP'er. Besides, no matter how [REDACTED] your stats are, they really don't make all the difference, you know :p

Author:  Jardek [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Erevan's right as well - anyone with a decent head on their shoulders can at least make a relatively unkillable character in the days of relatively few instant-kill skills and spells, even if you won't necessarily come out on top of conflicts.

Though I have to admit barbarians are perhaps not the best class for that :P

Author:  Erevan [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Take lina for example. Her stats mostly suck because I wanted to play a char who had max charisma.

Not that max charisma on a priest does much nowdays other than give me the OOC satisfaction of knowing she is very influencial, but yeah.

Author:  Cyra [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I liked Vordeshamel. Shame to see him go.

Maybe you should have tried another weapon besides flamberge.

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