Shattered Kingdoms

Favorite Characters II
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Author:  Minette [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Favorite Characters II

This hasn't been done in a while. Last post was August 2007.

Suggested format:

Current Favorites / All-time Favorites

List of classes as follows:

Mercenary: ______ / ______
Barbarian: ______ / ______
Swashbuckler: ______ / ______

Priest: ______ / ______
Shaman: ______ / ______
Paladin: ______ / ______
Hellion: ______ / ______

Rogue: ______ / ______
Scout: ______ / ______
Bard: ______ / ______

Sorcerer: ______ / ______
Warlock: ______ / ______
Necromancer: ______ / ______

Feel free to list as many currents and pasts as necessary.

List in any order, take any format, and notate where suitable.

Author:  Syndal [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Let's see! And, I'm not doing "currents".(Not like there's enough people to do it anyways)

Merc : Aevan
Barb : Aelraen
Swashie : Zinfalas/Revin/Jiin - Only a few interactions with her, but I really enjoyed those few.

Priest : Alea
Shaman : Raghnall/Eiveira(Yes, I picked myself, deal with it.)
Paladin : Thayian/Wortsenawl (<3 Keepers)
Edit : Forgot Hellion : Uhhhhh..I'll give it to Slayne, since I had fun fighting him on like 5 different characters. ^_^

Rogue : Zavier
Scout : Destrivai
Bard : Gasbah

Sorc : Elshare/Mina
Warlock : Bah...
Necro : Delear

Author:  Enishi [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

This is showing me how much memory I've lost.

Mercenary: Siegfried (Von Ravensbach?) Aurius I guess. I feel like I've run into a lot of mercs but most of them were giants (with fairly typical giant RP), or I didn't get to talk to them much.
Barbarian: Barbarians? Where?
Swashbuckler: Reder? Swashes around that era... Valthanos? Back when the phat loot was phatter.

Priest: There have been a lot of good priests I think. I'm biased towards the Jolly Frolly however.
Shaman: Raghnall, Youma, 316's Chinese Shaman (SUPA VERY GOOD), as racist as it was
Paladin: Isahldur, Edrose, lots of paladins...
Hellion: Eh... almost all the hellions were noobs in my era of play.

Rogue: Qwynn, Eliro
Scout: Cilek, Dakog
Bard: Dalryn?

Sorcerer: Aerundir, Melithindlee
Warlock: Vylesse, RAXXUUUUUL
Necromancer: Alcedes, Syral

All characters of the past

Author:  Sypher [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll refrain from listing any of my spectacular creations. :roll: I'm also going to have a very hard time doing current, as not many jumped out at me when I did come back for a little bit, and I didn't stick around for very long.

Mercenary: Dueroril/Aedus, Isaias
Barbarian: Dagum/Drathios
Swashbuckler: None/Junta

Priest: Vardhelm/Aacheron, Viliani, Sade, Vaodan
Shaman: Ishiye/Loqui, Bren, Yareck
Paladin: Alleli/Tsai, Lorias, Halcidan, Aquianis
Hellion: None/Balroch, Galus, Nyrimor, Konstantin, Aresius, Ibeskus

Rogue: None/Eliro, Takarin, Voryn
Scout: None/Cilek, Hianchi, Gloif, Abin
Bard: None/Amyrleen

Sorceror: None/Seyanos, Sarukayn
Warlock: None/Vylesse, Lorzatu, Terrus, Syeem
Necromancer: None/Malias, Maledictus, Salak, Syral, Nizzkori

I'm probably forgetting loads of old characters who deserve to be put up there, but it's been a long time.

Author:  DeRashad [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mercenary: Kirsenvar or Garren
Barbarian: Loric
Swashbuckler: Ghimgul

Priest: Vaodan or Tukahl
Shaman: Golg
Paladin: Nimolthar
Hellion: Ibeskus

Rogue: Ruud
Scout: Yergon or Abin
Bard: The Riversong Duo

Sorcerer: Scorcese
Warlock: Vylesse
Necromancer: Delear

Author:  Gnimral [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mercenary: Flaine and or Kirsenvar/ None
Barbarian: Krok/Linzo
Swashbuckler: Jiin/None

Priest: Ehzaen/Yavarisakran
Shaman: Golg/ Tatsuya
Paladin: Shandriall? (sp?)/None
Hellion: Seram/Osore

Rogue: Zavier/None
Scout: Varden/None
Bard: Rowena/Elia

Sorceror: Ghent/None
Warlock: Alaquel/Madros
Necromancer: Delear/None

Author:  Erevan [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Past / present.

Merc: Aedus, Tragonis, Timith, Garren (though he was owned by a certain other merc), Enishi, Arikiel / Chauld
Swash: Gamryn, Arsilan. The only true swashies i've met. / none
Barb: Aelraen, Myrphey (or was it myrfy?) / none.

Priest: Frollith, Alelya, Corathir / Vardhelm, Gork
Shaman: Onikin, Kafriel, Kysul / Ishiye
Paradin: Lorias, Nimolthar, Exeter, Pilcester, Ardith / Alleli
Hellion: Chacorin Slayne Aresius / Ceiwyn, Lance

Rogue: Alyria, Quill, Eliro / Ryoichi
Bard: Galthryn / Sithara
Scout: Faile, Zinnya, Laithir / Nemarosa, Liya

Sorc: Auberdin, Mehlithindlee, Heldorian, Mehlindi Terrym / Aurilesse.
Lock: Drogan (yes, thran.), Vylesse, Ahnksem / -
Necro: Malias (yes, thran again) Delear / -

Author:  Tragonis [ Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Favorites: current / passed

Barbarian: Dagum / Drathios, Kovu
Mercenary: Chauld / Aeolla, Siegfried, Grelden, Alphrenor, Caelestis
Swashbucker: <none> / Vaknafein, Valthanos, Jiin

Paladin: <none> / Tsai, Tahl, Halcidan, Pilcester, Ianous, Mahlovian, Ardith
Hellion: Amodius / Konstantin, Ibeskus, Vorak, Galus, Nyrimor
Priest: Gork / Ralance, Burren, Corathir, Ralian, Tukahl, Mercurii, Vaodan, Strakinvor
Shaman: Asraya, Ishiye / Onikin, Gaal, Loqui, Bren, Ashiya

Rogue: Gallus / Dhramic, Clarissa, Voryn
Scout: <none> / Gloif, Hianchi, Ibudon, Cilek, Destrivai
Bard: <none> / Yoshiro, Denahar, Amyrleen, Inirio, Obliv, Dalryn

Sorceror: Nari / Seyanos, Aeryn, Clestello, Ryouka, Vyander
Warlock: <none> / Lorzatu, Wendel, Uyzella
Necromancer: Naixin / Malias, Salak, Alcedes, Maledictus, Syral, Nizzkori

Author:  Teh_Peso [ Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

:cry: Ardith>Thayian, I'm sad Trag :cry:

Author:  Eusd [ Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Who didn't love Pilcy.

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