Shattered Kingdoms

(Human,Barb)Ex Mc,Aratheil- Bloodlord, Sovereign of the Star
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Author:  Cruor [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  (Human,Barb)Ex Mc,Aratheil- Bloodlord, Sovereign of the Star

o [Scores] Aratheil, - Bloodlord, Sovereign of the Star. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Barbarian o
o Kingdom: Empire Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 9 platinum, 5 gold, 5 silver, 6 copper o
o Carrying: 0/17 items Load: 96.8/475.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are standing. o
o You still have a long way to go before the next level. o
o You have played 343 hour(s) so far. o

o [Attributes] Aratheil - Bloodlord, Sovereign of the Star. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Barbarian o
o Age: 39 Sex: Male Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Diabolic Handiness: Right handed Religion: Dabi o
o STR: Titanic INT: Smart WIS: Clever o
o DEX: Nimble CON: Durable CHA: Sociable o
o Carrying capacity: 17 items with a maximum weight of 475.0 pounds. o

Amateur - spear (mastered) axe (good)
dagger (very good) flail (good)
mace (very good) polearm (good)
sling (not learned) staff (not learned)
sword (mastered) whip (good)
bash (mastered) enhanced damage (mastered)
parry (superb) swim (very good)
taslamaran tongue (superb) uxmaln tongue (superb)
zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (mastered)
aghelian tongue (superb) sylvan tongue (superb)
firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (superb)
taslamaran writing (very good) uxmaln writing (very good)
zhensh writing (superb) empire writing (mastered)
aghelian writing (very good) sylvan writing (very good)
firmyrn writing (very good) deep writing (very good)
Novice - dirt kicking (superb) self defense (superb)
second attack (mastered) fast healing (superb)
Initiate - berserk (superb) brawling (superb)
shield block (mastered) alertness (superb)
Apprentice- rescue (superb) suppression (good)
third attack (mastered) blind fighting (mastered)
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:
butcher (mastered)
Journeyman- disarm (very good) dodge (mastered)
endurance (mastered) toughness (superb)
Veteran - fourth attack (mastered) climb (very good)
tracking (superb) wild fighting (superb)
Expert - counterstrike (superb) fury (superb)
Mentor - head butt (good)

Author:  Cruor [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Hrm, what to say. He was a very interesting character, I enjoyed him alot but like always, time brought new ideas, and I moved on. He was the HF of Dabi, and Ex Midnight council. A thanks goes to Aldric, for understanding his morals, and things that were just set in stone that he could not put aside. Also Maraigh, Aise, all of the mc, nytomi for being a good sport, and Cyphus.Im sure im forgetting some. Also here is his desc if any of you are interested in what he looked like.

Standing before you is a dark-eyed male Human. This being towers above any other form in the room. He has hellfire eyes with midnight black pupils; they emit a cold and dark haze over themselves as he glares icily about at the beings around him. Hatred and Pain can be seen in his eyes for anyone can tell by looking over the man; he's seen much blood and death. He has a dark pale face; one feature that stands out greatly is the engraved star on his cheek. It is not a new wound but oddly enough it still has a continues flow of blood that circulates around the deep cut. Looking more closely, you see a tattoo on the mans chest. It is jaggedly carved into his upper torso, whether self inflicted or done by another, it reads: S A C R I F I C E. With another glance, you notice . .

Author:  Baldric [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I saw some pretty good stuff from this character. Solid and consistent. gl with your current.

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