Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Travorn [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Malandarith

Not like it matters, really, but there were supposedly people who liked him. Time deleted, but probably for the best. I wasn't really tired of playing him, but it just seemed like a chore to log into the game, so I didn't.

He was of Sylvar decent and despite the magical nature of Elves, was always in a bit of awe of even simple magics like shrinking and enlarging. He was raised sheltered and taught by his parents that such things were menial and beneath him to learn, much less even see. He was actually raised by a Pyran who taught him to be tolerable of other races. Which meant that when a deep-elf was around, he pretended they weren't actually there and refused to acknowledge their existence.

The hardest aspect of the character, though I suspect that only a few even noticed, and that was because I told them, was he refused to ask questions. He considered it highly rude to be so blunt and invasive on people's privacy. It was always a challenge to keep a conversation going replacing a question with a comment that would hopefully lead to an answer.

He had an aversion to any weapon that cut or pierced the flesh of anyone. He specialized in rapier because it was the weapon of Aludra, and only because of that. His other was in a staff. I don't remember if it was bo or jo. There seriously needs a better selection of staffs in the game! He really didn't mind leaving bruises or breaking bones if he had to. It was the act of drawing blood that he considered uncouth.

He hated crafted metals to wear. To him, they felt 'cold'. Not the chilly sort of cold, but heartless, no feeling. They were just objects with no soul, so to speak. He would only wear it if someone gave it to him as a gift. To not wear it would be ungrateful and rude. He always wished he didn't have it, though. Through Caeserea, he was finally content to wear metal armour, which had to be blessed with love before it could tolerable to wear. Otherwise, he wore gemstone or diamond armour, which was more true to its original state than metal was. I appreciated everyone trying to force mechanics down my throat, but this was my vision for him and I wasn't about to compromise it.

He had all his skills mastered except for firmyrn, aghelian and empire tongues, blitzkrieg, siegecraft and skirmish, which he never learned. He was champion(2) before he was ever given any of the useful fist skills to use to help level, even though he was a veteran when he joined. Just proves you don't have to twink your way through!

I'd like to thank everyone that made him fun, difficult or both. I really did like this character and did enjoy most of the encounters.

Author:  evena [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

<3 Bread and Butter. Sad to see him auto-delete.

I could say a lot here, but I will skip it. Caeserea and Malandarith sort of spoke for themselves, when you were alive. :P

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Malandarith

Travorn wrote:
There seriously needs a better selection of staffs in the game! He really didn't mind leaving bruises or breaking bones if he had to. It was the act of drawing blood that he considered uncouth.

YES. I would love for staff to be a viable option for SK. I love staffs, they seem so "magely" and I always roll casters.

Anyway, Malandarith was never around that much, and it was a shame. He was a pretty good character, and the conversation was always enlightening.

Author:  Kirsenvar [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Always wondered what happened to you man, are you going to play actively again_

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