Shattered Kingdoms

Quit reminding me already!!!
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Author:  the_me [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Quit reminding me already!!!

Well, since I've been reminded twice, IC and OOC and here in the afterlife forum even, and don't think I ever made an afterlife page because I became pretty pissed off and took a break after, if I did, well, here's the modern version... blah blah blah, on to the goods.

[Gri Brb] [HARLEQUIN] Halela the Awesomeist Avian Anarchist Alive

Desctiption, now in Extra Color!

Here are her skills RIGHT before she was yanked away by Marfik (the one at the time at least) and lost her memory. What I regret the most was not taking the offer to have her made into an NPC and just delete. (If any Imm wants to now, you have all the goodness right here!)

Innate - self defense (mastered) endurance (mastered)
toughness (mastered)
Amateur - spear (mastered) axe (mastered)
dagger (mastered) flail (superb)
mace (mastered) polearm (very good)
siegecraft (fair) sling (good)
staff (very good) sword (mastered)
whip (mastered) bash (mastered)
enhanced damage (mastered) parry (superb)
swim (good) taslamaran tongue (mastered)
uxmaln tongue (mastered) zhensh tongue (mastered)
empire tongue (superb) aghelian tongue (very good)
sylvan tongue (superb) firmyrn tongue (very good)
deep tongue (mastered) taslamaran writing (mastered)
uxmaln writing (very good) xxxxxxx (good)
Novice - dirt kicking (mastered) second attack (mastered)
fast healing (superb)
Initiate - berserk (very good) brawling (superb)
shield block (mastered) alertness (superb)
Apprentice- rescue (good) suppression (very good)
third attack (mastered) blind fighting (mastered)
butcher (mastered)
Journeyman- disarm (mastered) dodge (mastered)
xxxxxxxx (fair)
Veteran - fourth attack (good) climb (superb)
tracking (fair) wild fighting (superb)
Expert - counterstrike (good) fury (very good)
Mentor - head butt (mastered)

Sadly the only stats I have a copy of are from just after the whole Marfik thing...

o [Scores] Halela,. o
o Status: Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Barbarian o
o Kingdom: Taslamar Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 2 platinum, 7 gold, 4 silver, 9 copper o
o Carrying: 2/21 items Load: 241.6/461.5 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Winded o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are thirsty. o
o You are hungry. o
o You are standing. o
o You are very close to half-way to the next level. o
o You have played 204 hour(s) so far. o

[HP:100][ME:100][PE: 74][Money:2 platinum, 7 gold, 4 silver, 9 copper][Time:1pm]

o [Attributes] Halela. o
o Status: Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Barbarian o
o Age: 11 Sex: Female Size: Large o
o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Left handed Religion: Marfik o
o STR: Titanic INT: Genius WIS: Naive o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Hardened CHA: Sociable o
o Carrying capacity: 21 items with a maximum weight of 461.5 pounds. o

Let's see... it was a while ago and my memory is crap. She was an aspiring duelist for the longest time, fighting just about anyone she could, and had a few wins under her belt (some of which I think were still on the duelist board last time I looked). She was a barbarian, liked to fight, not really to kill but to test her strength and that of her opponents, and was very chaotic in how she went about doing it, hence why she joined the Chaos religion, and later on the Harlequin (for a very, very short time. Maybe one or two days OOC at best, and few hours of playtime sadly).

She had many friends of every alignment, and I'm horrible at remembering names so if any of you played or interacted with her, go ahead and post a story, a log, a rant, or whatever. I'm lazy and it's sleep time :P

OH! And for whoever might be interested, here is the color coding for the description.

$3This sturdy fe$3$Imale appears above avera$3ge in size and
$3muscle mass fo$3$Ir her al$4rea$3$Idy huge race!$3 Her thick fur
$3and feathers c$3$Ioat the $4mas$3$Isive muscle m$3ass all across
$3her bulky body$3$I, so t$4hi$3$Ic$4k $3$Ithat they see$3m more than
$3capable of kee$3$Iping t$4he$3$I $4gr$3$Iiffoness warm$3 in even the
$3most harsh of $3$Iwint$4er$3$I sn$4ow$3$I storms, and $3are only upset
$3by the weighty$3$I win$4ds$3$I of $4fl$3$Iight! Her ey$3es are a deep,
$3piercing jade,$3$I h$4er$3$I dull $4ye$3$Illow beak, a$3lmost brown in
$3color, rest $4between th$3$Ie gr$4ee$3$In globes. $3Upon deeper
$3inspection, on$4e $3$Ican n$4otice small$3$I abnor$3mal throughout
$3her fur and fe$4at$3$Ihers, like$4ly$3$I bits ripp$3ed out during
$3a past battle,$3$I as well as th$4e $3$Ioccasion$3al spot stained
$3by old blood o$3$If some foe long gone.

And title.

$4A$3weso$3$Imeist $4A$3vi$3$Ian $4A$3nar$3$Ichist $4A$3li$3$Ive!

Author:  mithrandir131 [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:45 am ]
Post subject: 

i remember you flying around without any limbs to stand on and trying to solo the midnight outer. good show as always.

Author:  Dexity [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

aaaah that was along time ago, wish they didnt boot you from the harlys, there used to be a griffbarb in the harlys and no one booted them. different imms different times

Author:  Teh_Peso [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't have let the imms boot you from harlies. :P

Author:  the_me [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

mithrandir131 wrote:
i remember you flying around without any limbs to stand on and trying to solo the midnight outer. good show as always.

I forgot about that. That was when I had her become wanted in every country, she lost two limbs in the Empire, and the others in the North when going to serve time.

And I think going solo with the outer had something to do with finding griffon barbecue sauce... I know I kept praying for it with the pray command because someone kept telling me to while mimic'd (I am thinking it was Maraigh or Methias), and I think that was a task that they wanted her to do to get it.

Sadly, never did get that sauce. :(

As for getting kicked out of the Harlie, I think it had a lot to do with getting kicked out of Chaos and the whole boring memory wipe blah blah blah. But whatever, the character was nothing without the Chaos.

Author:  laeZ1 [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I was already nostalgic about Halela with you, but it wouldn't be right if I didn't post something on here too!

I loved Halela, and some of the funniest moments of playing Tristala were interacting with her. The first thing that comes to mind was that morning we had butchered so many corpses, and piled all the steaks in one room (I think we had over a hundred eventually?) we reffered to it as... steaky? the steak monster? I don't exactly remember.

Author:  the_me [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

laeZ1 wrote:
I loved Halela, and some of the funniest moments of playing Tristala were interacting with her. The first thing that comes to mind was that morning we had butchered so many corpses, and piled all the steaks in one room (I think we had over a hundred eventually?) we reffered to it as... steaky? the steak monster? I don't exactly remember.

Yeah, you were the first to remind me. Steaky does sound right, and it definately was a steak monster! I wish I was keeping logs at that time, but the client I used wasn't very friendly with logs, and the day I switched to my current one was the day she got taken away and became pretty boring.

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