Shattered Kingdoms

[Gno War] [DRUID] Merildink Sparkbeaker - Alchemist
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Author:  Dayamin [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  [Gno War] [DRUID] Merildink Sparkbeaker - Alchemist

 o [Scores] Merildink, Sparkbeaker - Alchemist                               o
 o    Status: Champion(1)       Race: Gnome            Class: Warlock        o
 o   Kingdom: Ayamao           Cabal: Druids of the Wild Reaches (Member)    o
 o     Coins: 3 platinum, 4 gold, 3 silver, 1 copper                         o
 o  Carrying: 0/13 items                    Load: 45.6/169.0 pounds          o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: Pulsating     Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Kill/neutral       o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You may advance to the next level.                                        o
 o You have played 104 hour(s) so far.                                       o

Amateur   - dagger             (mastered)    flail              (not learned)
            mace               (very good)   siegecraft         (not learned)
            sling              (not learned) staff              (not learned)
            staves             (superb)      swim               (mastered)   
            wands              (superb)      taslamaran tongue  (superb)     
            uxmaln tongue      (superb)      zhensh tongue      (superb)     
            empire tongue      (very good)   aghelian tongue    (good)       
            sylvan tongue      (mastered)    deep tongue        (mastered)   
            taslamaran writing (very good)   uxmaln writing     (very good)   
            zhensh writing     (very good)   empire writing     (very good)   
            sylvan writing     (mastered)    deep writing       (very good)   
            druid cipher       (superb)     
Novice    - dodge              (superb)     
Initiate  - self defense       (not learned) meditation         (mastered)   
Apprentice- endurance          (superb)     
Journeyman- ***********     (mastered)    trance             (superb)     
Veteran   - second attack      (very good)   
Expert    - tracking           (good)       
Mentor    - brew               (superb)     

Amateur   - burning hands       (superb)      create spring       (superb)     
            detect buried       (not learned) healing rays        (mastered)   
Novice    - continual light     (not learned) detect hidden       (superb)     
            detect invis        (superb)      detect poison       (not learned)
            fly                 (mastered)   
Initiate  - infravision         (not learned) invis               (mastered)   
            shocking grasp      (superb)      water breathing     (superb)     
Apprentice- control weather     (very good)   cure poison         (very good)   
            lightning bolt      (mastered)    resist elements     (superb)     
Journeyman- conjure elemental   (superb)      fireball            (superb)     
            mass invis          (not learned) stone skin          (superb)     
Veteran   - breath of life      (superb)      earthquake          (mastered)   
            ***********         (superb)     
Expert    - **********        (very good)   ironguard           (superb)     
            recharge            (superb)     
Mentor    - chain lightning     (superb)      cone of cold        (superb)     
            ********            (superb)     
Master    - ************       (good)        magma spray         (mastered)

I've made this character concept before and I just couldn't get into it again. I'm kind of moving away from characters that are pet dependent and finding new enjoyment in fighter classes. I've made a new concept that I haven't done before and I'm pretty excited about it. Plus, all the Druids that were in the Cabal when I joined, and were the reason for my joining, are long gone, so I really wanted to try something new that would hold my interest. Thanks to everyone that interacted with this character and the players still around. Thanks especially to D and the IMMstaff for continuing all the hard work you do!

Author:  Dexity [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

:D cant wait to see what you have yet, although i think i have already met them

Author:  Kira [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Good character, just a shame that he wasn't around more often.

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