Shattered Kingdoms

[Del Hel] [None] Maraigh ar an tAthair- Old Man.
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Author:  mithrandir131 [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  [Del Hel] [None] Maraigh ar an tAthair- Old Man.

Since someone asked:

o [Scores] Maraigh, ar an tAthair- Old Man. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Deep-elf Class: Hellion o
o Kingdom: Uxmal Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: zero o
o Carrying: 0/21 items Load: 0.0/265.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/defensive o
o You are standing. o
o You are over one-third of the way to the next level. o
o You have played 2901 hour(s) so far. o

o [Attributes] Maraigh ar an tAthair- Old Man. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Deep-elf Class: Hellion o
o Age: 209 Sex: Male Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Aberrant Handiness: Left handed Religion: Algorab o
o STR: Powerful INT: Brilliant WIS: Clever o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Durable CHA: Sociable o
o Carrying capacity: 21 items with a maximum weight of 265.0 pounds. o

Innate - sneak (mastered)
Amateur - spear (mastered) axe (mastered)
dagger (mastered) flail (mastered)
mace (mastered) polearm (mastered)
sling (good) sword (mastered)
shield block (mastered) swim (mastered)
taslamaran tongue (mastered) uxmaln tongue (mastered)
zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (mastered)
aghelian tongue (mastered) sylvan tongue (mastered)
firmyrn tongue (mastered) deep tongue (mastered)
taslamaran writing (mastered) uxmaln writing (mastered)
zhensh writing (mastered) empire writing (mastered)
aghelian writing (mastered) sylvan writing (mastered)
firmyrn writing (mastered) deep writing (mastered)
Novice - parry (superb) second attack (mastered)
hide (superb)
Initiate - combat casting (mastered) self defense (mastered)
Apprentice- enhanced damage (mastered) endurance (mastered)
fast healing (mastered) haggle (superb)
Journeyman- brawling (mastered) third attack (mastered)
Veteran - crossbow (superb) cleave (mastered)
Expert - dodge (mastered) meditation (mastered)
Mentor - intimidate (superb)

Innate - detect magic (mastered) faerie fire (mastered)
Amateur - cause light (mastered) curse (superb)
Novice - blindness (superb) chill touch (superb)
deafness (superb) detect invis (superb)
Initiate - cause serious (superb) detect hidden (mastered)
invis (mastered) poison (superb)
Apprentice- identify (mastered) protection (superb)
weaken (superb)
Journeyman- plague (good) shield (superb)
Veteran - cause critical (good) rift (mastered)
Expert - detect aura (very good) hellfire (mastered)
Mentor - domination (superb) word of recall (mastered)

Room mate once said, "Hey man. You should try out this mud I'm playing."
My response: "Mud huh? I remember those from my worthless dial up days. Do go on."
Room mate: "Well knowing about the game isn't as important as just playing. I think you'd have fun with an evil knight, a dark elf one."
My response: "Dark elf huh? Those better than any normal human in every way like every other universe out there?"
Room mate: "Something like that."

He was rolled to relearn muds and reading walls of text again. I had no intentions with him or even close to anything looking like a plan. In all honesty I wanted him to join the crucible when I figured out what politics existed.

As for thanks Nosephthyki, Aise, and Faerti are the top of the list. Every other character I had some RP with as well but there are too many to list. Raixor and Dexity are the reason I ever made GM with all the dragging me around to train when I didn't want to. I'll most likely never have another GM if not for more people like them.

To all the people who showed me how and where to do things around SK I apologize for never paying attention. Its just not the reason I ever logged in.

Thanks for all the good times everyone.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maraigh was an alright character. Maybe it was just me, but from my POV, it never seemed like he DID anything.

Hope you stick around, and good luck with your next. :wink:

Author:  Orac [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maraigh was awsome. He was Fizbickles buddy, if anyone can really have a hellion buddy....The character was very good. I had alot of fun with him as Fizbickle and I was always glad to see him online.

I almost joined the Harlies because of Maraigh but I never did. Fiz was all about the fun not about the factions. Anarchist for the win. Maraigh was great though we got into some scrapes adventuring no doubt about it.

Sorry to see his gone, glad to see he was here for 2900 + hours. I'm sure alot of other people are glad about that too. :drunk:

Author:  Chuck0696 [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

well done with your character, was good to see him pop back up on the who list a while back, gl with your next

Author:  Bones [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wasn't a fan of this one, but the fact you kept him for some long is cool.

Roll another (with a plan). Good luck with your next if you do.

Author:  Dexity [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

i enjoyed many things about him, he did open up alot to two of my chars, luck of cabal choice, and race choice! And anyone who plays char that long cant be interesting all the time. :>>

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

So much love, so many memories. I remember reading the "grilled sandwich" rp log with you and Marfik out loud to Daniel and both of us were just crying tears of laughter. I am sad you got inactive at the end and also that you can't stick with anything. Good luck with your next, in real life, etc etc.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I honestly don't even know what to post! You know how I feel - if not, you can just reread Faerti's afterlife post if it's still in the archive somewhere.

Author:  Minette [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was a very good character if you had just begun playing. I was only a bystander, but I felt bad for what has happened to you and that very popular swashbuckler, hmm, what was her name. Unfortunately the Hellion class tends to attract enemies, and the other players have more or less formed an expectation of how it 'should be' played. I put that in quotes because the Code is very open to interpretation. Maybe the character could have been more enjoyable as a Rogue, in relative terms. All in all Maraigh put in a good era for the cabal, and thus valuable contribution to the game, despite the apparent hardship and most likely emotional turmoil. A good story was told.

Author:  grep [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I found Maraigh a wonderful collection of forms, but have always been left wondering what the substance was below the surface. That kind of curiosity does not naturally last very long, and it is for that reason I should be commending your ability to fan those flames.

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