Hee! Jaro was born in a small giant camp somewhere in the wastelands northwest of Exile in Taslamar, lived there for a part of his early childhood until the ill-fate day he decided to play torch tag with his cousin Jibbo, somehow set the entire encampment was set ablaze and the tribe was forced to adapt to a more nomadic life, an event that was blamed on Jaro and Jibby for some reason. Jaro, an overly curious and hyper youth was a source of much frustration and headhurt for his mum, who would beat him with whatever object she happened-be holding at the time, sometimes he was lucky and infuriatated her while she was scrubbing clothes in the river, which only resulted in a wet whipping and a damp Jaro, which he found somewhat amusing. Other times, like that one time he stuffed one of them spiky frogs with all them quills that liked to roll up into balls, you know, thems that be good sometimes to use to clean the earjam before putting it on toast, anyway, he stuffed one of those thingy-bobs down her shirt while it was hold the anvil for the blacksmith day to keep the ringing down so uncle Hubnester can-sleep, anyway he remembers laughing for about four seconds, then he just remembers waking up two weeks later, he knew this because the single hair on his back had grown a good meter or so, he faithfully used it to keep track of time, after all, and to floss sometimes too, of course, anyway, he woke up in the middle of the Wasteland, his tribe nowhere to be seen.
Unbeknowenest to Jaro, mother decided to quick-start that thing that giants do when they get to certain age and go off explore, you know that thing they do when they get too big and the tribe wants them to bother someone else for a few years? Anyway, that thing, yeah, mother decided that six years earlier than expected would be good for Jaro. Anyway, after about three days of sitting and being confused Jaro decided to start his life in Taslamar. He thought about joining Hammer for a while and see if he could bother the folk at the castle, but then he learned about all the marching and standing around and just decided to have a drink. It was there that he realized that a giant is nothing without his mother, so he needed to find a new one to beat him over the head with a spoon whenever he got confused and put burning logs in the dungpit rather than the fireplace and cause that big fireball that made the great xandu stampede into cliff and then suddenly famine for year for some reason. Anyway, he heard that they called Nashira mother, so he decided that just what he was looking for!
The rest of the story some of you saw for yourself, but he somehow found himself serving Sith'a'niel for some reason, even though he was always afraid of fall-from-tree, made it up to Regent or something! Where is he now? He still out there somewhere, traveling the world with his crazy tribe. His lions Yabo and Dabo, his elf champion friend who did-hate but in time did-tolerate Sir Alcyon Tyr, but we calls him Sir Alcy, the sprite swasherbucker Jintay an' that crazy old rambling Mel'nas horsie Maderus. After retirin' from Regent he was going into woods for some reason to have bunch of adventures, but they all just ended up following him there, even Sir Alcy, for some reason. Said something alike to be keeping out of trouble or something. Isn't that just nice?
oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo o [Attributes] Jaro Rutaji - High Gardener - Lone Wolf of Ayamao o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Giant Class: Scout o o Age: 57 Sex: Male Size: Giant o o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Left handed Religion: Nashira o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o STR: Titanic INT: Dim WIS: Clever o o DEX: Nimble CON: Hardened CHA: Sociable o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Carrying capacity: 17 items with a maximum weight of 525.0 pounds. o oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo
oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo o [Scores] Jaro, Rutaji - High Gardener - Lone Wolf of Ayamao o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Giant Class: Scout o o Kingdom: Ayamao Cabal: Independent o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Coins: 2 platinum, 5 gold, 6 copper o o Carrying: 12/17 items Load: 196.4/525.0 pounds o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Health: Excellent Mental: Lively Physical: Fresh o o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/defensive o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o You are thirsty. o o You are standing. o o You are over three-fourths of the way to the next level. o o You have played 553 hour(s) so far. o oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo
Jaro was a blast to play, didn't delete him for any other reason other than me being incredibly flaky when it comes to characters and I end up wanting to roll up another combination at some point. At first I thought of returning to Jaro one day, but who was I kidding? I'd probably just invent another concept and shoot with that instead. Anyway, thanks to everyone, friends and foes that made Jaro one of the best in my SK years. Special thanks especially to all the Guardians for the good times, and of course a special thank you to Baba and Feyih, Jaro's own partner's in crime, the rest are too many to mention, but you know who you are.
See you all on the flip side.