adhil wrote:
Of course if you talk about a god nobody has heard of its OOC knowledge that Id be playing a thubanite. However, thats OOC. In game nobody can prove or disprove that I follow that God or not. And for the record I had seeking intrigue in my title for ten minutes beofre i tracked down an IMM to induct me in the church. Intriuge is also a Miran concept so that doesnt fly saying it was IC knowledge that my character was a tubanite. Also, like I said, I did not interact with ANYONE until I had distort aura. Now I know we've all been playing this game forever or a lot of us have. But thats no excuse to offhandly ruin someones RP because we all know OOCly what GODs are in the realms. Your character cannot know that there is not a Lord Alcor. Especially with every question I was asked about my god i had an answer for instantly. i worked very hard on creating a believable diety beofre i even rolled the character.
1.) The Pantheon is common IC knowledge. We know who all the immortals and spheres are, and so do all the NPCs, which is why there are shrines and such to them. If there was a new god that suddenly popped out of nowhere, the village people and such would start talking, and it would be known. You have to have some support. That doesn't mean you can't RP fake gods - Ohmchi did it for a long time. But you have to expect the backlash and uncertainty and disbelief.
2.) Ten minutes is ten hours ICly. If I had a picture of my boobs up on some internet site for ten hours, people would still know about it if I took it off. (ask me how I know.) It's public knowledge, dude.
3.) Intrigue is not really a Miran concept. I guess I could see the argument for it, but Intrigue is one of Thuban's SPHERES. Understand the difference? Thuban OWNS the religion of Intrigue.
4.) My character can read books of the Pantheon - there are at least two - and know what gods are which. Back to point one.
5.) Please come back and try recreating. You can have a lot of fun on this game, but you have to work within the rules.