Shattered Kingdoms

Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
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Author:  dorgan [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje

Was just on the forums and saw Evena complaining about my disappearing, so I thought I'd post something here, despite him being a bit shortlived for an afterlife post in my opinion.

I'll start at the end as it will explain a bit. I let Krilasth go for two reasons I guess:
1) I was moving office with work to open plan - was meant to make it hard to be naughty and mud during hours! (turned out I'm in a corner where I can, and I still have little to actually do for work).
2) When I created I didn't have a concept in mind so much as a build, and therefore once he was "optimised" he got a teensy bit boring without a strong RP current to back him up.

So, after Virsn and his inability to put out damage and outright win a single pkill, I decided I wanted to go to the other extreme. Whilst I prefer mercs for trip and other things usually, I wanted to absolutely max the damage this time - who needs trip if you can cut through someone's pet/elemental/charm in no time at all?

Anyhow. Basically. This core concept was a success. He did more damage than any character I had previously created. I would have loved to have gone up against Rorey, but we met once early on, and never again.

Then I bumped into first Alefi and Iliphalia, and then Pilnor and Heisei as well, and the irony was he turned into the character I'd wanted Virsn to be - we basically explored all sorts of places. It was one of my funnest times on the mud, being as I love exploring. Every weekday we'd finally meet up, and head out to some new place. I think we did about everything bar the iron citadel at some point. Many things twice.

Great times. Anyhow. After I got a certain outstanding weapon, and Alefi fluked a great set of enchants on it (9 or 10 damage if I recall) pk became a bit of a joke. Barbs (hammer ones at that) with bandalores are astonishing. So scary. Didn't find much pkill - was pretty lightie dominant when I was on - but got a few. Was great fun, though it felt a bit cheap in the end. I never went against any groups - I would have done with the chaos grouping that turned up, but even when times overlapped I just never tracked them down.

Either way, I have about 2 or 3 months more of mudding in me for various reasons, and there were some things I'd never done. So I let him go. Thanks to all who made him great fun.

Author:  Edoras [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

Krilasth was the bomb, it was so fun meeting him while training and realizing that he was the perfect counterpart to Pilnor.

I wish he was around now :(.

Author:  dorgan [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

I do second that last bit (a bit).

Author:  Baldric [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

I wanted to do a final show down with Krilasth before I deleted Rorey, but 1) Our playtimes didn't overlap and 2) We both became less active. I did stay up late a couple times looking for you so I could arrange some kind of duel. I was planning on using some cheater items to give me an edge. I think your build would have had an advantage over mine, and you recovered that awesome bandalore after I gave it to Algorab, so without my cheater items I don't think I'd have been able to match Krilasth. Thank you for the shield. It was pretty super. You're one of my favorite players. GL with your next.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

I only had one encounter with Krilasth and that was at the Taslamaran stones after Therves had done his typical day of spam dying to some Keeper paladin. I walked in, did a 2v1 against Krilasth and that paladin, wiped the paladin out and sent Krilasth packing. In retrospect, I probably should have let you guys loot him.

Author:  dorgan [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

Pretty sure Iureana worded out, then came back after a bit more prep'd. Though for some reason you didn't hellfire once. I did fail my rescue for Heisei which left him dead. :(

Since I had not a single enchant, I was pretty wary when you were back around, since hellfire + fury would have left me slaughtered.

Author:  Alefi-priest [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

:(( Aw COME ON!
Alefi will really miss you mate.
Very curteous character and a beast pve-wise. I still remember that dragon incident.:D
Only fond memories from the character I wish you could keep him more but RL comes first.


Author:  mundufisen [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

Krilasth was a beast.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

He was indeed a beast.

Sorry to see him go.

Wonder if we'll be seeing one of these for Yaevu soon? :cry:

Author:  evena [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas

I absolutely LOVED Krilasth, hence the complaining. :(

I told you during our adventures that I have never experienced as much of the game as I had with Krilasth. It's really going to be sad when you leave. You're not only knowledgeable, but a patient player with noobs like me. We did have an absolute blast - and in a time period where there typically wasn't a lot going on.

Krilasth was a m'fing beast. That dragon incident Alefi refers to involves no fewer than 8 dragons, and we hit them on a repop which was absolutely insane. I've never seen tanking like that before, and I kind of doubt I'll see it again.

So . . . while you may have rolled him without an RP background, you've woven him into the story of several other characters who will miss him dearly. This character was tops.


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