o [Attributes] Dahria - The Western Woodswoman o
o Status: Master(4) Race: Elf Class: Scout o
o Age: 113 Sex: Female Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Right handed Religion: Pantheist o
o STR: Powerful INT: Brilliant WIS: Buffoon o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Durable CHA: Dynamic o
o Carrying capacity: 23 items with a maximum weight of 291.0 pounds. o
o [Scores] Dahria, - The Western Woodswoman o
o Status: Master(4) Race: Elf Class: Scout o
o Kingdom: Ayamao Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 2 obsidian, 3 platinum, 3 gold, 7 silver o
o Carrying: 5/23 items Load: 266.3/291.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Winded o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are thirsty. o
o You are standing. o
o You are almost eligible for a level advancement. o
o You have played 114 hour(s) so far. o
You are thirsty.
The breeze dies away to nothing.
Innate - sneak (mastered)
Amateur - spear (mastered) axe (superb)
bow (mastered) dagger (very good)
sling (good) staff (very good)
sword (mastered) whip (superb)
dirt kicking (mastered) dodge (superb)
fletch (mastered) swim (very good)
taslamaran tongue (superb) uxmaln tongue (mastered)
zhensh tongue (superb) empire tongue (superb)
aghelian tongue (very good) sylvan tongue (mastered)
firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (superb)
taslamaran writing (superb) uxmaln writing (superb)
zhensh writing (superb) empire writing (superb)
aghelian writing (very good) sylvan writing (mastered)
firmyrn writing (superb) deep writing (superb)
Novice - butcher (superb) endurance (superb)
tame (superb)
Initiate - shield block (mastered) second attack (mastered)
camouflage (superb) herbalism (superb)
Apprentice- parry (very good) rescue (good)
self defense (very good) skin (mastered)
Journeyman- disguise (good) brawling (good)
climb (superb) pathfinding (mastered)
Veteran - third attack (mastered) fast healing (very good)
haggle (good) tracking (mastered)
Expert - enhanced damage (mastered) rapid shot (superb)
skirmish (good) snare (good)
Mentor - crossbow (not learned) ambush (mastered)
Dahria was an accidental "big" in that I never expected her to get anywhere above Vet 1. That she did was due entirely to a certain RP that played out. Like I said, I never expected her to amount to anything at all, but the fact she did, and she had an impact on other chars has caused me to create this afterlife.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Dahria from the moment I got her involved in RP. And I thoroughly enjoyed all the interaction I got through her. If I were to name all the characters I enjoyed while playing her, the list would be very heavy indeed, from all the scouts (especially in that boisterous meeting) to all the kind people in the 3 more lightie kingdoms, to the harlies and druids and others she met.
Again, Dahria was an unexpected "big", meant originally just for a little scout-style hack'n'slash on the side. But she became much more. Very much more. And while I have chosen not to name the whole cast of characters that made Dahria what she was, I want to name just one: Kirlin.
I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed my interaction with Kirlin, and all the drama it caused. I enjoyed laying the trap for him and capturing him. I enjoyed throwing down the gauntlet and watching him kick it into the dust bin. I enjoyed the after-affects of that traumatic event. I enjoyed it all.
Dahria was the greatest of my happy accidents, and for that, I owe the entire SK p-base a debt of gratitude, especially Kirlin and a small handful of others who shall remain nameless for IC and OOC reasons.