Shattered Kingdoms

Lonny Sercin
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Author:  Vindicator [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Lonny Sercin

To many to thank, not a good enough memory for names. So I'll open with this.

This is about a year late as I wasn't planning on keeping him more then a week,sadly however I got attached to him and kept on. He wasn't meant to have a roll in the realms, or any real purpose. Anyone who ever speant time with him would realize that he was angry, hard headed, blunt, rude, crude and a bit of a horses rear almost all the time. I feel like I played him with a kind heart as scrupulous are supposed to be, with enough natural grey to really shine like the selfish [REDACTED] he was supposed to seem like. Everyone had an impact on him, from his friends to his lovers to his enemies. I'd like to thank five people in particular before I start randomly naming off names. Kyla for being his daughter, which was a welcome surprise. Jaena for always being his best friend in the entire world, even when he really wanted to hit something, she would throw herself in his way and be a friend. Larkos for being his guide, mentor and father. Tavia for being about the only person with an attitude like his. It was all beer and good times with her. And xanthor, who many of you won't know about, but me and him made at the exact same time and just became best friends in game till he deleted, but Lonny never forgot that priest who he would rage kill, apologize to and then go on an adventure with.

Now, no random names, but if you think I forgot about you, I didn't. The LeeQuens or whatever can go to hell. Flame on.

Author:  Wolf [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin


Author:  Rodwen [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

I liked Lonny. Not a lot of interaction, but I liked him nonetheless.

Author:  FuryIowa [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

:rant: DAMNIT. :rant:

Only knew him with my toons for a few ooc weeks but I adored Lonny.
Definitely a character with presence, looking forward to seeing the trouble your next manages to get himself stuck in :D

On a sidenote:


Author:  evena [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

I liked Lonny, even though he was a bit of a firecracker. Iliphalia trusted him about as far as she trusted most Druids (not far), and Ehlynn liked him. My current character will be sad she didn't get a chance to know him better.

Pretty sure Lonny was white aura, which makes some of his decisions kinda questionable, but I suppose he's gone now.

Good luck on the next one.

Author:  Smoochy Bovine [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

Most choices are likely not questionable. Aura color doesn't truly set-in-stone the actions your character should take. Though, not a proper place to debate...

And WHY you forget Smoochy?
Didn't even know who played Lonny!

We didn't even get to spar like Smoochy wanted to.. :evil:
Its like, after all the trouble you caused NOTHING happened! It all just fell in another direction!

Author:  evena [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

Some of his actions were questionable. Whether Smoochy would question them is not really an appropriate grounds for debate on any venue. If you are who I think you are, everything you've ever done in your SK history is questionable.

Also, hyphenating "set in stone" makes it an adjective.

Author:  Rodwen [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

Smoochy Bovine wrote:
Though, not a proper place to debate...

Figured a Grammar Nazi could at least read. :roll:

Author:  Smoochy Bovine [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

That...doesn't make any sense. Smoochy didn't start anything here. And whats with that? It isn't really a problem correcting a little grammar error, as Smoochy actually prefers to be corrected to a point, but...aren't you kinda being a little bit negative?

What SK history? If you wanted to know who Smoochy was, you could always ask...

This really isn't the place for this...

Author:  evena [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lonny Sercin

Yes, Rodwen. I can read. An afterlife thread isn't really a place to argue auras, so if s/he really believed that, why did Smoochy start a debate in the first place? I feel that Lonny made some questionable calls. That's my perception of the character, to which I am entitled.

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