Shattered Kingdoms

Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia
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Author:  Orac [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia

Press [Return] to enter Shattered Kingdoms.who

Welcome to Shattered Kingdoms.

The Crossroads Inn
  Dozens of lanterns hang from the carved wooden columns that support the
weight of the inn overhead, giving the surrounding area an inviting glow of
comfort.  The ceiling overhead has been carved with images of the various
races of Pyrathia and then painted to give them an almost life-like
appearance.  The floor below is hardly visible beneath the scattering of
sawdust, but seems to be made of a red marble swirled with white.  Heavy
wooden tables and chairs are scattered liberally around the Inn, leaving
plenty of room for people to sit.   
  Some broken furniture lies piled off to one side.  A silver-bound door
set between two stained-glass windows allows access to the outside.  Set
just next to the door is a large sign written in six different languages.   
Obvious exits: n e(closed) w nw
     A small fountain is here.
     An elegant gold-trimmed community forum is here, posting local news.
A rosy-cheeked female gnome is standing here in dull yellow robes.
A curvaceous female human is here taking orders from patrons.
A hired-hand, an enormous giant, stands here next to the door.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 99%]
> who

[HEl Bar] Culhwch - Piper of Pyrathia
[DEl ---] Saya Kurozaki - Humble Zhenshi Girl
[--- ---] Aneira Snowdragon
[HEl ---] Caric retired defender
[--- ---] Tulthius - The Blazing Star of Freedom
[--- ---] Theodoric Fardawn
[--- ---] Thallin, Empowered through Pain.
[--- ---] Rowan Kerfluffle - Culinary Artist. Setter of the Table of Unity.
[--- ---][LGN] Majm X'oydef
[--- ---][LGN] Mahw X'oydef
[HEl ---][PAR] Oarn - Painted Woodsman - Unity's Arrow
[--- ---] Ehlizavetta - Essence Ecclesiastic
[--- ---] Verrent Jalias, Servant of the Unknown
[--- ---] Zrelkaria Arcane Spellmaster

Players found: 14

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 99%]
You topple over and cease to breathe.
You have died of natural causes.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> score

 o [Scores] Culhwch - Piper of Pyrathia                                      o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Half-elf         Class: Bard           o
 o   Kingdom: Uxmal         Religion: Pantheist                              o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/17 items                    Load: 0.0/185.0 pounds           o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: Pulsating     Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Stun/neutral       o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You are over one-third of the way to the next level.                      o
 o You have played 650 hour(s) so far.                                       o

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> skills

Amateur   - dagger             (mastered)    sling              (good)       
            staff              (mastered)    sword              (mastered)   
            whip               (mastered)    dance              (mastered)   
            swim               (superb)      taslamaran tongue  (mastered)   
            uxmaln tongue      (mastered)    zhensh tongue      (mastered)   
            empire tongue      (mastered)    aghelian tongue    (mastered)   
            sylvan tongue      (mastered)    firmyrn tongue     (mastered)   
            deep tongue        (mastered)    taslamaran writing (very good)   
            uxmaln writing     (mastered)    zhensh writing     (very good)   
            empire writing     (very good)   aghelian writing   (very good)   
            sylvan writing     (very good)   firmyrn writing    (superb)     
            deep writing       (very good)   
Novice    - dodge              (mastered)    trip               (mastered)   
            haggle             (superb)      juggle             (very good)   
            sneak              (mastered)   
Initiate  - dirt kicking       (mastered)    tumbling           (superb)     
            second attack      (mastered)    pick lock          (superb)     
Apprentice- crossbow           (superb)      parry              (very good)   
            self defense       (superb)      endurance          (mastered)   
Journeyman- disguise           (superb)      disarm             (mastered)   
            fast healing       (mastered)    lore               (mastered)   
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:

Veteran   - brawling           (superb)      third attack       (mastered)   
Expert    - enhanced damage    (mastered)    plant              (superb)     
            scrolls            (superb)     
Mentor    - persuade           (mastered)   

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> att

 o [Attributes] Culhwch - Piper of Pyrathia                                  o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Half-elf         Class: Bard           o
 o       Age: 154                Sex: Male              Size: Medium         o
 o Alignment: Anarchist    Handiness: Right handed  Religion: Pantheist      o
 o      Born: Ancient Darkness 9, 1165              Birthday: 329 days       o
 o       STR: Weak               INT: Brilliant          WIS: Wise           o
 o       DEX: Nimble             CON: Durable            CHA: Dynamic        o
 o Carrying capacity: 17 items with a maximum weight of 185.0 pounds.        o

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> worth
You can't do that. You are dead.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> songs

Amateur   - songs of protection             (mastered)   
            Bind Me In Music's Safety       Unaffected By Thy Hand         
            Dark Shall Rule The Realms      The Miner's Saint               
            Oh, Guardians Of Old            Fear Not The Flame             
            Armor Of Song And Might         Pointy Things                   
            songs of war                    (mastered)   
            From The Shadows                To Live In Gloried Song         
            Away! Away!                     Beat the Drums!                 
            Slash, Stab, Rend, Smash        The Crash Of Battle             
            Soldier Go                     
            c major                         (mastered)   
Novice    - songs of healing                (mastered)   
            We Have Need                    River, O River                 
            Truest Wealth                   Flesh And Bone                 
            All Yon Childe                  The Gift Of The Song           
Initiate  - songs of death                  (mastered)   
            When Death Comes                In That Solitude               
            Mock of Death                   Through The Night               
            The Hammer Falls                Shorten Their Time             
            Tale of Jason Alavern           Solemn Shade                   
Apprentice- f minor                         (superb)     
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:c

            songs of antimagic              (mastered)   
            Some Fool                       Playing With Fire               
            Magic's Fall                    Eldritch Blight                 
            Strange Happenstance           
Journeyman- countersongs                    (mastered)   
            The Traveller's Song            A Curse To Rhythm               
            When Songs Do Battle            The Arrogant Bard               
            Lute Strings Snap               
Veteran   - songs of dancing                (mastered)   
            Lift Your Feet                  Hi Dee Ho Di Hi Dee Hay         
            The Madness Of Music            Wee Lad Wiggun                 
            Dance Again Before The End     
Expert    - b augmented sixth               (superb)     
            songs of magic                  (mastered)   
            Yon Magical Twister             Mystical Energies               
            Mistress Magic                  Spells Of Power                 
Mentor    - songs of silence                (superb)     
            With But A Word                 Silence Surrounded             
            Fall On Deaf Ears               I Hear Widows Crying           
            Of Chattering Sparrows          In A Quiet Library             
Master    - songs of sleep                  (mastered)   
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:c
            Slow Moon Over Zhenshi          The Soothesayer                 
            Relentless Sleep                Peaceful Release               
            This Idyllic Scene              Powers of Song                 
            Done Now Be 

This is the end of Culhwch. He is dead. I loved having him around and kept him to the bitter old end. I never played him nearly as as often as I wanted to. I actually seldom play at all as most people likely have noticed.

Culhwch was a favourite of mine and he died in the place he loved best, Teron. The daughter of one of his best friends was on, luckily, so he could do a bit of arpee with her before he went.

This character was great fun.


PS: Just for fun I would like to call attention to the fact that my vast collection of songs actually dates back to Lyrnard if anyone remembers him. I got them from a student of lynards who I don't remember now, and built up from there. About 70-80 percent of those song lyrics were his. Just a fun fact.

> glance
You glance at yourself:
You are looking at a geriatric male half-elf.
You's current combat stance is neutral.
Overall, you are in excellent condition.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> lself
Huh? Type 'help' for a list of commands.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> l self
A bent and gnarled male half-elf stands before you. His once
considerable height is now diminished by his stooped and bent posture. A
crown of pure white hair hangs weakly from his scalp. The top of his head
is bald. This old mans brown eyes are half shut all the time, wave after
wave of wrinkles surround his eyes and mouth. His two pointed ears droop
and hang from his old head. A once muscular chest is now just a pile of
hanging skin that resembles chicken waddle. Each movement he makes you can
pick up a barely audible crack or popping sound. This half elf appears to
be on his last legs.
Overall, you are in excellent condition.

Author:  xylphrys [ Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia

.... Grrrr?! Really?! Ugh, cul was a funny fat guy! I am glad he didn't die alone, and he died in the place he loved. Fun times!


Author:  MsPooperTrooper [ Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia

Aww Cully, you taught all of my bards. And lasted longer than all of them, too. :drunk: Cheers.

Author:  skhellion54 [ Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia

Was a blast running around with ruphys trying to get all the lyrics.

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Culhwch the Piper of Pyrathia

This guy was a textbook of bard info. Well played.

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