Shattered Kingdoms

Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord
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Author:  ninja_ardith [ Sat May 10, 2014 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Ksenia was born out of an itch that needed scratched since I'd never played a Sargas based hellion before. I rolled her up and started going to work. Some people don't understand the hellion class, but I never felt that this character was underpowered in any way. In fact I think she was the most powerful hellion I ever had. I only ever died once in PvP, to a warlock before I was even done leveling. I had a blast playing her. I did what every hellion should do, start making everybody their [REDACTED]. Unfortunately, I found that I lost interest in her due to the number of enemies dwindling down to 0, which to a Sargasian is pretty terrible news.

I had tried to make my previous hellion, Iureana, a member of the Midnight Council, but they sort of dragged their heels and ended up joining the Black Hand with her. With this one I was determined to get into the Midnight Council, and I did. The combo of Sargas hellion in the Midnight Council, coupled with the enchant changes allowed her to put out more damage than is reasonable. Which is totally okay when your religion demands that you should kill people on a regular basis.

Ksenia never really had any friends, just allies. She never had any use for them really, as one person was just a stepping stone to the next position of power, which is all she really cared about in the end. As a Sargassian she reveled in war, whether winning or losing the battle, and was a hardened killer. She saw death in battle as the highest of honors and sought to spread this honor throughout the realms.

When she first came into the Midnight Council the guardian was without a relic, and she lead a group to recapture it. The relic was successfully returned to Losache, and Ksenia soon after became Knightlord of the Empire. She almost immediately enacted a campaign of genocide against western nations. Eventually the Hammer and Fist relics were captured in an attempt to goad them into attacking Losache so that they could die there. The lighties were unable to recapture the relics and on Christmas I simply discharged them. I pretty much stopped playing her by that point, and I believe lost the leader flag in the next monthly reboot. I just shrugged my shoulders and stopped playing the game at that point.

I'll just say that Sargas hellions are the best hellions.

Author:  Edoras [ Sat May 10, 2014 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Man you really are a badass.

Author:  Sargas [ Sun May 11, 2014 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Yes they are.

Author:  Trosis [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Hats off to you and your crew for stealing the relics and allowing for scrub club to gank wudan. An impressive feat.

Author:  Pook [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

This is a case where if the villain had successfully beaten the 'goodie two shoes' of another kingdom to a pulp, there should have been a means to seize the power of said kingdom (and also no means to recover such a loss). Perhaps that would lop-diddle the game to disfunction. But she was an effective character in all aspects of the game, and it is unfortunate that it was felt by the character there was 'nothing to do,' and interest was lost. That's sort of an anti-climatic end to 'winning the war.'

All said and done, she was a character I loved to hate. That's the mark of excellence, when considered with the full package the character delivered.

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Its a good thing mitch and finney were around to help you snatch those relics.

Wouldn't exactly consider spam killing callad/caric/kvadan as 'genocide' against the western nations lol but good job anyway.

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

Dumb character. Basically Tolene 4.0.

Author:  Le Petit Prince [ Sun May 18, 2014 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

ur hot

Please have my hellion babies.

Author:  Galactus [ Sun May 18, 2014 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ksenia Noctis, Knight of Murder, Knightlord

archaicsmurf wrote:
Dumb character. Basically Tolene 4.0.

At least this is the correct alignment!

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