Shattered Kingdoms

Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.
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Author:  Arelgama [ Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

Grack was originally a test character for Siege crossbow spec. It was fun, but carrying bolts is a total buzz kill. I have also lost my desire to play lighties anymore. Maybe it's my idea of a lightie or maybe it's my lack of liking others concepts for lighties. Either way, I will be floating around from time to time.


Author:  La.Bonnita [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

I liked Grack, even though my interactions with him had always been limited. I know there were times I hoped to see him around more. Always wondered what became of him.

Author:  Anjin [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

La.Bonnita wrote:
I liked Grack, even though my interactions with him had always been limited. I know there were times I hoped to see him around more. Always wondered what became of him.

'Bonita' is spelled with one 'n.' There are no double 'n's in Spanish. La Bonita.

Author:  grep [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

Anjin wrote:
La.Bonnita wrote:
I liked Grack, even though my interactions with him had always been limited. I know there were times I hoped to see him around more. Always wondered what became of him.

'Bonita' is spelled with one 'n.' There are no double 'n's in Spanish. La Bonita.

Connacionales, favor de no dénnos una connotación tanto innecesario.

Muchas palabras existen con nn y no estan innatural.

¿La Bonnita esta innocente, no?

Author:  La.Bonnita [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

Thank you for the Spanish lesson. I lived in Spain for one year with a Spanish family when I was a senior in high school. As it happens, my name is Bonnie. One of those silly, affectionate things people do to other people's names in Spain is to change the ending of their name from something like Sole to Solita. For me, Bonnie became Bonnita. Which I liked a hell of a lot better than what my family in the States did which was just call me some [REDACTED] like Bon Bon.

At any rate, it works because it's both my name and cute because it's a play on the word. And some of my Spanish friends thought it was amusing to call me la bonnita, and it stuck.

Also, as grep has demonstrated, there are actually several words in Spanish with double n's. Bonita is not one of them, true, but there are enough to make your statement irrelevant.

PS. Still really liked Grack, which is what this was supposed to be about, yeah?

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

Anjin wrote:
La.Bonnita wrote:
I liked Grack, even though my interactions with him had always been limited. I know there were times I hoped to see him around more. Always wondered what became of him.

'Bonita' is spelled with one 'n.' There are no double 'n's in Spanish. La Bonita.

Huh. That's really weird. I guess all those idiots in high school and university that I took classes for Spanish were just stupid.

Author:  Sargas [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

grep wrote:
Anjin wrote:
La.Bonnita wrote:
I liked Grack, even though my interactions with him had always been limited. I know there were times I hoped to see him around more. Always wondered what became of him.

'Bonita' is spelled with one 'n.' There are no double 'n's in Spanish. La Bonita.

Connacionales, favor de no dénnos una connotación tanto innecesario.

Muchas palabras existen con nn y no estan innatural.

¿La Bonnita esta innocente, no?

Favor de no darnos.

You don't use that conjugation of dar in that place. You also want to say "una connotación tan innecesaria" -- tanto doesn't apply here.

"Muchas palabras existen" is bulky but technically correct; more commonly, "hay muchas palabras" (this is an active/passive voice thing).

Author:  Francis [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

....back to the subject at hand.

Grack was pretty cool.

Author:  Anjin [ Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

Les ruego sus discuplas, estuve pasando desmasiado rapidito para el forum y solamente pare para retar la falta de deletrear sin realmente pensar en la naturaleza del idioma castellano. Ahora que lo pienso mejor, nuestro amigo Grep tiene toda la razon, hay un monton de palabras en Espanol que contienen la double 'n,' aunque la palabra 'Bonita' no esta entre ellos.

De todas formas, mi equivocacion ha servido solamente de augmentar el podor de mi trolling, en causar una conversation POCO NECESSARIO* sobre la gramatica castellana y no sobre el Justicar olvidable de eso thread.

*Mas natural. Decir *poco natural* tambien suele mas natural que decir *innatural,* aunque supongo que no sirve para iluminar la presencia del doble 'n' en Espanol.

Mision cumplido. Buscare mas threads para trolear.

J'amerais dire aussi que le nomme de 'Francis' se droit ecrire 'Francais,' bien cur cette erreur d'otrograpfie c'est deja acceptable dans l'Anglaise cotidienne.


Merci beaucoup.

Author:  grep [ Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grack - Mother's Sword - Justicar of Taslamar.

el o èl

Good luck on your next Grack.

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