Shattered Kingdoms

Some lowbies and me.
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Author:  Vindicator [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Some lowbies and me.

This is for Kameron, Elliot and Garvis. Plus myself, as I'm stepping away from the game for a bit. Haven't had a strong urge or desire to play, and after a few failed attempts to make with someone else or make for someone else to help them along or enjoy their rp, I decided to throw in the towel.

Some of you liked me being around, others hated but I'm sure the most didn't care. I spent most of my time trying to make the game enjoyable and easier for others, always greetings and helping out new and old characters and players, but that wasn't enough to really keep me interested either. Sorry for those of you who liked me being around but who knows, maybe I'll be inspired some where down the road.

Be well, all of you!

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